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In a cocoon spun in lot, where no pale larvae of gooseberry [[underline]] Nematus ventriconus [[/underline]] were put, the larva was [[underline]] pale & no tubercles. [[underline]] In ^ [[insertion]] all [[/insertion]] large ^ [[insertion]] & small [[/insertion]] [[underline]] tubercled [[/underline]] larvae 1st jt. 11th & tip of 12th [[invert]] yellow brightly. [[/invert]] Both tubercle, & head hairy. In one (large) apparently past moulted, head & tubercles were almost pale, but hairy. On shifting jar, only one pale larva found. Place in small jar, where was one cocoon only, the larvae 1st placed in it (sickened from close packing on journey) dead or dying & ∴ removed. 

x[ July 24 Beat 1 spm. Balaninus nasicus Say ([[female symbol]]) off infested Plum-trees. Placed in a bottle with clear plums, it pd. no attention to them & did not sting them


Spermophagus robiniae breeds in Honeylocust seeds.


o| June 26. Caught [[underline]] Gomphus vastus [[/underline]] on the wing with a small Agrion [Hagenii?] in its mouth, having already eaten off the head.


June 29 Of 7 or 8 Clis. syloatica sent me by Peter Ferris, all but three shriveled (attached to millinet of cage) & pupae (Tachini) on floor.


Of 24 [[underline]] Nem. ventricosus [[/underline]] larvae (^ [[insertion]] all [[/insertion]] spotted last shift) 20 were now all pale. Put 4 spotted ones in quinine bottle, in which already 1 cocoon from [[underline]] pale [[/underline]] larva. Cut open, two cocoons from by jar, Each contained [[underline]] pale [[/underline]] larva. [By next day 3 of the 4 spotted ones had moulted pale.]

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[[underline]] June 29. [[/underline]]

[[underline]] Gall Caryae-[[write over]] [[?]] [[/write over]]fallax [[/underline]] Coccidan. On C. alba- (See p. 32). Mother-louse only .002 ^ [[insertion]] - .003 [[/insertion]] long, round. [[strikethrough]] anus a little rounded [[image]]. [[/strikethrough. Yellow; tips of antennae & of feet ^ [[/insertion]] & base of beak [[/insertion]] blackish. Antennae 3-jointed (p. 32)

  Gall ^ [[insertion]] pale green, turning black when very mature. [[/insertion]] conical on upper face of leaf, the largest .25 inch in diameter at base & .27 high, generally tapered a little at tip, but never opening there as in [[underline]] caryaefolia.[[/underline]]

Below a cone of the same diameter but only about 1/2 or 2/3 as high, & opening at tip in a mouth-like slit, closed in immature, gaping widely open in mature galls, the lips pubescent.

  Found in one ^ [[insertion]] or two [[/insertion]] galls a large pale [[underline]] Thrips [[/underline]]
larva. In another [[underline]] Leucopis    [[/underline]] larva + Chalcid. pupa. Leucopis larvae (several) in other galls: very abundant. Chalcid. larva (hairy) in another. 

  Jaws [[image]] very acute at tip. Sometimes one mother-louse in a gall, ^ [[insertion]] & in several others [[/insertion]] sometimes several (as in [[underline]] Vitifoliae [[/underline]] ). Many eggs & young larvae, or eggs by themselves in the galls. Many now gaping widely open below & deserted. Leucopis larvae wander from gall to gall. Chalcid. preys on [[underline]] Leucopis?? [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] In [[/strikethrough]] Scarcely 1 in 20 galls is unoccupied by parasites. One gall contained a [[underline]] Scymnus [[/underline]] larva, & saw two + 10 others outside among the galls.

  One [[underline]] true fallax [[/underline]] gall was [[te?]] by 7 or 8 winged [[underline]] Xerophylla  [[/underline]]] & a few larvae, but no eggs. Had the [[underline]] coccus [[/underline]] built a gall in the very spot [[?]] on by the [[underline]] Xerophylla?      [/underline]]  Opened 2 or 300 other galls, but found nothing like this in them. The [[underline]]  Xerophylla [[/underline]] had yellow collar & black thorax. [So have caryaecaulis when fresh out of gall; but after long out, collars assimilates to thorax. Observed this today.]

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Transcription Notes:
Clisiocampa syloatica)