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A singular dipterous larva, about 1/2 inch long with 8 pair of pseudopods on basal & abd. joints; bluish white, head horny but small. Pseudopods ^ [[insertion]] dorsal? [[/insertion]] with many little black dots or hooks [[image]] [[image]].
Had spun a ^ [[insertion]] loose silken [[/insertion]] web by side of sucked (?) spider on a Hickory leaf full of [[underline]] fallan [[underline]] galls. Place in vial, but without the web. Do [[underline]] dipterous [[/underline]] larvae ever spin?
   In [[underline]] Carya semen [[/underline]] ^ [[insertion]] came out (Ichneumonidae ^ [[insertion]] Pimpla [[/insertion]] ) July 12 [[/insertion]] galls (C. glabra) same hairy chalcid larva with mandibles [[image]] as in [[underline]] Carya fallan. [[/underline]] Some galls .10 inch in diameter.

x[ About June 23rd I had shut up two [[underline]] Anthom. pruncida [[/underline]] in a bottle with [[unstrung?]] plums. Saw them repeatedly bore them with their beaks, penetrating at different angles so that hole [[image]] But laid no eggs [[image]]. June 30 examined plums: full of holes, some with 20, but no eggs in holes that I cd. discover. They penetrated 4/5 the length of beak. They flew readily & often.]

July 3rd. [[underline]] Eurytoma hordei. [[/underline]] Examined a large lot of green barley-galls. Found in them 20 larvae, all Chalcid & apparently those of E. hordei - tritici. Not a single Cecid. larva or any signs of one. Larvae now .006 - .004 inch long & about 5 itmes as long as wide, hyaline including large head ∴ Dr Fitch [[underline]] is [[/underline]] right.

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July 12 - Examined 14 larvae taken from stem of Locust, cerambycidous. [[//underline]] All legless. [[/underline]]


Gall [[/underline]] Ulmi fusus [[/underline]] On U. fulva; ^ [[insertion]] Aphidian [[/insertion]] from Dr. Smith, N.Y. A pale green hollow fusiform gall .85 - 1.25 long & .32 - .45 inch in diameter, generally rising erect from the upper surface on the leaf, sometimes a little curved [[image]] Exterior surface ^ [[insertion]] opaque [[?]] [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] slightly [[/strikethrough]] pubescent under the lens; interior longitudinally ribbed with about 18 anastomosing carinae. Grows from the midrib or little on the side of it, & is more tapered at base than at tip. Four specimens.

  Insect a [[underline]] Pemphigus; [[/underline]] a few with one or both ^ [[insertion]] front [[/insertion]] wings like those of [[underline]] Erisoma. [[/underline]] 


Gall [[underline]] Vitis tuba? [[/underline]] [[insertion]] { See P. E. II p. 102 "Philips." [[/insertion]] On V. cordifolia. Cecidom. An ^ [[insertion]] opaque but not pubescent [[/insertion]] greenish-yellow elongate conical hard gall, attached by a point only to the under side of the leaf, ^ [[/insertion]] generally on some of the principal veins. [[/insertion]] the base more or less swelled Length .50 inch or less, diameter (basal) .15 or less. Sometimes over a hundred on one leaf. Inside hollow throughout
  Larva (July 14) yellow, 3 1/2 times as long as wide, .12 long, [[?]] [[image]] darker in front, paler behind. [ Same ^ [[insertion]] gall [[/insertion]] sent me from Each?]
Two slender dark thorns directed upwards from tip of anal jt. & a tubercle projecting from tip of penultimate joint, so as to make a prehensile apparatus as at tail of [[male symbol]] [[underline]] Myzine. [[/underline]] Larva lies near tip of gall. Gall snaps like a pipe-stem. Did not see larva jump.


July 18 Acronycta psi from Clisiocampa-like larva (?) on plum described in J. I. P.


Cut open 20 apple windfalls, bored by C. pomonella. All empty. |


Transcription Notes:
Pimpla = genus of wasp family Ichneumonidae. Plum-gouger = Anthonomus Pruncida Jointworm = Eurytoma hordei Grey Dagger (Acronicta psi)