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Caterpillar (Laturnia maia?) ^ [[insertion]] yes; bred by her) [[insertion]] on Poplar. From Miss Hobart. Length 1 3/4 inches. Head shiny, dark sanguineo-rufous. Body dull black, dorsally with numerous white dots, & a broad stigmatal dirty white stripe. On each segment a pair of dorsal yellowish-brown brushes, the hairs ^ [[insertion]] thorn-like [[/insertion]] acute & tipped with black, on each ^ [[insertion]] side [[/insertion]] of which & also below the stigmatal stripe a longer brush composed of strangling thorn-like hairs black & medially banded with white, & except on segments bearing prolegs below the ^ [[insertion]] sub [[/insertion]] stigmatal brushes a similar but smaller & shorter one. Beneath dull opaque black; legs black, prolegs ^ [[insertion]] colored [[/insertion]] as heard, but tipped with black. Stigmata edged with black.


July 27 Found cocoons of [[Dinentes?]] (brassy species) under [[?]] logs on Route R., attached to lower surface. Oval & twice as wide as long. Inside larvae, pupa, & 5 imagos. Pupa has double eyes [[image]]  connected by a dark transverse band, which is always dark, even before eyes turn dark. Preserved in alcohol. Cocoon ^ [[insertion]] thin [[/insertion]] of sand with some silk, for it does not melt in water, but will crumble in the fingers.

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o| July 28. Found a "Curculio" larva in a plum (turned blue) still hanging on the tree. Crescent slit to it. Several plums with crescent slit still on tree, but egg apparently aborted. Also another, smaller, in green plum.

x| Found one [[underline]] prunicida [[/underline]] larva that had burrowed into kernel. Milk white, .11 long, head white, mandibles brown. Most of the round holes (49 out of 50) are empty. One plum with 9 curculio crescents. Stones of plums now very hard.

xx| Found a [[underline]] Lepid. [[underline]] [[(image)]] larva in ^ [[insertion]] green [[/insertion]] plum bored Curculio fashion. Head & obsemicirc. cerv. plate black. Body dingy white, hairy; legs dingy white. (Hind part cut off)

oo| July 29 Bred 1 curculio (Placed in a quinine bottle with unstung plums.)
 [[July]] 30 [[Bred]] 2 [[curculio]] + 1 from Prunicida plums
 [[July]] 31 [[Bred]] 1 [[curculio]]
   Aug 1 [[Bred]] 1 [[curculio]] from Pruna. plums

 July 30. Bred [[underline]] Calopteron terminale[[/underline]] from a larva ^ [[insertion]] under ^ [[/insertion]] partly [[/insertion]] rotten log] [[/insertion]] (skin  preserved) which after it had changed into pupa was pierced thro' thorax with a No. 8 pin ^ [[insertion]] which pin was removed immediately afterwards. [[/insertion]] Pupa-skin preserved. No hole in thorax of imago.

oo| Aug 2. Bred 5 Curculio (1 left in jar) Put 4 in bottle &c
[[Aug]] 3 [[Bred]] 4? [[Curculio]] Put in bottle
[[Aug]] 4 [[Bred]] 2  [[Curculio]] [[Put in bottle]]
[None came out up to Aug. 10th.]

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