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^ [[insertion]] Aug 1. [[/insertion]] [[underline]] Grape curculio?? [[/underline]] [[insertion]] [[underline]] Coeliodes curtus [[/underline]] say [[/insertion]] -- Sent by Joseph Wood, Marietta, Ohio. Burrows into flesh of Grape on one side & finally into the pip. In two opened, larva was gone; went underground? The one containing the larva was burrowed [[underline]] externally, [[/underline]] & ahd not penetrated to the pip. Much "frass" in all.

  Larva length .20 when extended, tapered in front. Body-segments with a lateral acutely-pointed [[strikethrough]] pro [[/strikethrough]] pseudo-leg, all of them [[image]], anal joint [[image]]. Color yellowish white, with a darker stomach, semi-transparent, 4 - 5 times as long as wide; does not curl up & walks readily. head, large, horny, pale brownish yellow; mandibles chestnut-brown, [[image]]; long-suture impressed along dorsal line of head. Does not use head in walking as Dipt. larvae do.

  In another ^ [[insertion]] grape, [[/insertion]] which ahd only an external (₀) hole, larva was gone & pip not eaten. In another the pip was only a little eaten into, & the larva (same as above) lay close to outside & had been apparently squeezed in handling & was dead. In another pip was shallowly eaten into, & larva was gone. In another ^ [[insertion]] a [[/insertion]] larva had penetrated only a little way into flesh (judging from frass) & had died. In another larva was gone, & pip not touched. Preserved the larva to breed from.

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  Mr. Wood also sends apple-leaves affected by what I took for a gall (orange-color) on crab leaves. I think now it is a fungus, the dots [[image] the sport-receptacles


  July 31. Noticed on wild parsnip flowers a pale yellowish spider sucking the juices of a honeybee & holding it by the head. It was only 1/2 the size of the bee. Saw two specimens thus engaged.


  Aug 2. the shallow holes which I formerly took for those of [[underline]] prunicida [[/underline]] are made by [[underline]] nenuphar. [[/underline]] [[strikethrough]] [[Bec]] Plum so affected largely in quinine bottle. |x


  Aug. 10. The [[female symbol]] Catydid (Plat. concavum) can make a loud creaking noise by rubbing the internal [[?]] of the base of either left or right front wing against the under surface of the other one. I produced this noise artificially in the living insect, & saw it produced by the insect insect. Noise resembles that made by a Cerambycide.


  Gall [[underline]] rhois byrsa. [[/underline]] Acaridous. on rhus tonicodendron. near Alton. A ^ [[insertion]] green [[/insertion]] much-crinkled subglobular gall, basally constricted, subglobular, on upper surface of leaf. Inside very full of white hairs. Contains white elongate larvae, & running about on leaf [[strikethrough]] blot [[/strikethrough]] a white mature [[underline]] Acarus. [[/underline]] 


  found 2 scarabaeidous (?) larvae [[image]] ^ [[insertion]] (inquilinous) [[/insertion]] in ^ [[insertion]] last year's old [[/insertion]] fuzzy galls on Red Elm at Alton ^ [[insertion]] embedded in base of gall. [[/insertion]] Also 1 [[underline]] Ulmi fusus [[/underline]] gall (empty) on same bush.

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Transcription Notes:
Coeliodes curtus Say = weevil Platyphyllum concavum Scarabaeidae = family of beetles