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[[preprinted news clipping]] HOW THE BRUTE WORLD LIVES.
HOMES WITHOUT HANDS. Being a Description of the Habitations of Animals Classed According To Their Principles Of Construction. By the Rev. J.G. Wood, M.A., F.L.S., etc. Illustrated 8vo. pp.651. Harper & Brothers. Portions of this work have been from time to time made public, and of those who read them as they appeared periodically, no considerable number will wish to possess the entire. Once seldom finds in fact, a book on natural history so [[preprinted news clipping]]

Nearly 1/2 infested by external [[underline]] Chalcid. [[/underline]] larva [[image]] 


Aug. 20 [underline]] Quercus cylindrus [[/underline]] n. sp. On Burr oak. 1 - 25 on a leaf, always on lower surface, a cylindrical fleshy gall, .13 or less in diameter & slightly longer than wide: base squarely truncate & attached only by a point to leaf. Tip ditto, but ^ [[insertion]] generally [[/insertion]] slightly contracted. Inside excavated in a cup-like cavity, like a glass tumbler the basal portion only moderately thickened, & containing no larvae. Color white, generally with more or less pink; sometimes entirely pink.

| Aug 21. [[underline]] Ulmi [[strikethrough]] loculus? [[/strikethrough]] crumena [[/underline]]. White elm. Larvae as usual. Same shape. 


[[underline]] Juglandis canlis. [[/underline]] Acaridan. Still solid, but on [[underline]] breaking [[/underline]] it, 5 or 6 acaridan white imagos ran about & inside rough surface next the stalk many minute white ^ [[insertion]] acaridan [[/insertion\\ larvae thrice as long as wide. In another a ^ [[insertion]] small [[/insertion]] 6-footed Lep. ^ [[insertion]] larva [[insertion]] imago, with pale behind head. Inquilinous. In another 2 ^ [[insertion]] acaridan [[/insertion]]imagos below, & larvae among the [[underline]] outside [[/underline]] brown. Fuzz ^ [[insertion]] next green heart [[/insertion]] when ^ [[insertion]] gall is [[/insertion]] [[underline]] broken [[/underline]] in two, very numerous.


o|  [[underline]] Vitifoliae. [[/underline]] Of 20 or 30 galls opened but 1 (?) cont. coccus or the eggs, & that doubtful. Cut it. Orange-color. Galls open now above.

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21st Aug. [[underlined]] Nematus [[strikethrough]] ??[[/strikethrough]] [Davenport] [[/underlined]]. Larva up to 1/3 inch long is bright grass-green, head black, legs brown except sutures.


[[underline]] Vitifoliae [[/underline]] Galls on [[?ush's]] vine full of coccus, eggs & larvae, also several ^ [[insertion]] Leucopis [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] Borborus. [[/insertion]] [[image]] larvae. Also a similar larva, but white-hyaline with a brown or blood-red stomach at hinter end of body. Head black, roots of it internal.


Aug 24 Noticed on tow distinct [[underline]] isolated [[/underline]] Carya glabra bushes on Island 7 or 8 [[underline]] Datana larvae [[/underline]] full-grown, hairs not ^ [[insertion]] near [[/insertion]] as long as others noticed some weeks ago in swarms that were [[underline]] all [[/underline]] black. These had [[underline]] 8 [[/underline]] white vittae, 4 on a side, a [[?]] of reddish spots above prolegs, & a ^ [[insertion]] white [[/underline]] line [[strikethrough]] between [[/strikethrough]] along ^ [[insertion]] venter [[/insertion]] [[strikethrough]] abdomen. [[/strikethrough]] They were actually feeding on the Hickory. Head black, no yellow patch on jt. 1.


Aug. 25 [[underline]] Celtidos cepa. [[/underline]] A green or pale green ^ [[insertion]] (when ripe pale brown) [[/insertion]] pubescent onion-shaped gall .18 or less in diameter, growing often in dense bunches on the upper side of leaf, or on leafstalk, or tip of twig, ^ [[insertion]] or on dense branches surrounding a twig some inches from tip [[insertion]] rarely on lower side of leaf. Nipple slender & about 1/2 - 2/3 as long as globular part of bulb of onion. Bulb often pear-shaped (small end towards base) when densely crowded, sides often flattened. Texture hard. Inside smooth. Larva ^ [[insertion]] .15 or .12 long [[/insertion]] yellowish, curdy white markings B.b. reddish brown, [[image: U]]-shaped [[image]] ^ & [[insertion]] basal part very distinct [[insertion]] Larvae many now have [[insertion]] of white color [[/insertion]] so that lower 1/3 of entire cell contains them.

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