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Body & legs entirely [[strikethrough]] brow[[/strikethrough]] black, except collar very pale brown. Stigma not "salt-white" but pale dusky with a whitish reflection. 2nd nt. ant. not "rather" but greatly the longest, when ant. are "4-jd" as he describes them. Hind wings [[underline]] always [[/underline]] with 2 discordals.


Larva - supposed [[underline]] Datana ministra [[underline]] found on Burr Oak large numbers a week ago moulting on a leaf, & shifted [[underline]] readily [[underline]] on to apple. Today (Aug 29) Length about .30 each. Color olive-fuscous, Jts 1 yellow, with a transversely oval discordal dorsal black patch next two jts ^ [[insertion]] & jt. 11 [[strikethrough]] & forward half of anal pts [[/strikethrough]] decidedly darker than the rest ^ [[insertion]] in some specimens blood-brown [[/insertion]] 4 yellowish lines on each side jts. 2 - 12, lower one widest & most indistinct  Also a ventral line. Head & prolegs black. Hair  generally 1/2 width of body, but a few very long behind head. A black lateral spot outside each proleg. On each side large spot on jt. 1 two black transversely arranged dots. Anal prolegs black & also tip of anal plate. N.B. The difference of color in jts. 2 3 &c was still [[non?]] obvious before the moult, so that the insect seemed banded rather than [fasciate.] 


Placed 8 larvae [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] Nematus paradonus [[/underline]] [[insertion]] Pristiphora grossulariae vittate [[/insertion]] in jar with earth, to see where they spin. [Sep. 2 All 8 spun up among leaves.]


Sep. 1. Eurytoma Hordii straws (3) recd. from Johnson Pettis, Grimsby C. W. Cut one open containing about 12 cells. Larva yellow & chalcididous. Not hairy. Jaws brown [[image]] (not "transverse line" * [[insertion]] [He mistook the [[underline]] Pteromalus [[/underline]] larva? p. 11] [[/insertion]] Fitch). Head distinct

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but yellow like body, as large as usual in Chalcidae. Larvae (9 or 10 examd.) all lie with heads upwards. Cells not uneven internally but roughish opaque.


[[underline]] Fragariae monilis. [[/underline]] - N.Y. A ^ [[insertion]] somewhat [[/insertion]] moniliform swelling on the leaf-stalk of cultivated strawberry, each bead of the necklace containing a cecid. larva, & some 6 or 8 in each leaf-stalk. ^ [[insertion]] [[Eggs of a sawfly - (Riley)]? [[/insertion]] 

Sep. 2. { [[underline]] Nematus  [insertion]] Messa n. sp. Sep. 13. [[male symbol]] [[female symbol]][[/underline]] larvae on Salix nigra, found about Aug. 25. stick up tails from edge of leaf like [[underline]] N. ochraceus  [[/underline]] of Europe (Westwood) Today 5 or 6 had spun up among the leaves. No earth [[image]] in jar. Moved into jar with sand, & buried 2 or 3 [[strikethrough]] pu [[/strikethrough]] cocoons under sand. ^ [[insertion]] [The rest went underground.] 

[[/insertion]] [[image]] Length mature larva [[strikethrough]] .65 [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] .70 [[/insertion]] inch. Color pale green, ^ [[insertion]] sometimes [[/insertion]] yellowish at tail. ^ [[insertion]] above spir. a yellowish line, beneath which color is paler. [[/insertion]] Head black, polished ^ [[insertion]] minutely [[?ulon]] [[/insertion]]. Joints body ^ [[insertion]] above [[/insertion]] with transverse rows of [[heavy?]] black dots or small spots (not tuberculous ^ [[insertion]] or hair-bearing [[/insertion]] ). Joints with single row: 2 & 3 with double row: 4 & 11 with 3 rows front row widely interrupted on dorsum ^ [[insertion]] & laterally a spot interealated  between 1st. & 2nd. [[?]] [[/insertion]] 12 with 2 hind rows [[?obsolete]]; anal plate black with 2 divergent pale green acute thorns, tipped with black, 1 at each hind angle. Beneath spiracles ^ [[insertion]] on jts 5 - 10 [[/insertion[[ a double longl. row of shiny black spots upper one consisting in each jt. of [[strikethrough]] 5 [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] 4 [[/insertion]] spots front one much larger ^ [[insertion]] hind one a mere dot [[/insertion]] lower row of a single vitta on each jt. [[strikethrough]] but only ^ [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[strikethrough]] [[/insertion]] on the jts bearing abd. prolegs. [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] when rows obscure [[strikethrough]] in front [[/strikethrough]] ^ [[insertion]] on jt 1 - 4 [[/insertion]] & ^ [[insertion]] rapidly [[/insertion]] obsolete behind 10 [[/insertion]] Legs with a few basal blackish spots. Prolegs immaculate: jts 4 & 11 legless. Does not "cock-up" row.


 Bottle No. 5 


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Transcription Notes:
Pristiphora grossulariae, Walsh joint worm (Eurytoma hordii)