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  [[underline]] Harrisii [[/underline]] scales not all contain pink eggs, Dub up May 4, '68


  Nov. 4th Buried pupae, viz. 24 [[underline]] Datana Angusii [[/underline]] { [[insertion]] 1 rotten, 2 hollow? rest sound [[/insertion]] bred on Hickory ^ [[insertion]] (see p. 47) //insertion]] 6 { [[insertion]] sound [[/insertion]] Halesidota caryae bred apple from N. Y. Dr. Smith, ^ [[insertion]] (p.49) [[/insertion]] & 1 Larva (?) from [[insertion]] sound [[/insertion]] Dombeck (see p. 49) This last pupa is much swollen in front. [Placed in front at A in cage. [[image]]

  Nov. 7. See page 52.

 Nov. 21 ^ [[insertion]] Had [[/insertion]] Found on a White pine at Paul Wright's ^ [[insertion]] Cobden [[/insertion]] [[underline]] [[strikethrough]] Coccus [[/strikethrough]] Aspids, pini [[strikethrough]] cortica [[/strikethrough]]  [[insertion]] foliae [[/insertion]] [[/underline]] abundant in Company with [underline]] Coccus pinicortices [[/underline]]  Under [[strikethrough]] latter no [[/striekthrouhg]] former are now numerous oval blood-red eggs. On another tree nothing but the latter. Placed twig of this in jar, to see if ^ [[insertion]] any [[/insertion]] [[underline]] pinifoliae [[/underline]] is developed therefrom. ^ [[insertion]] (Not by Nov. 29) [[/insertion]] On this last tree very numerous [[underline]] Chilocorus bivalverus, [[/underline]] which had perhaps devoured all the insects. It was on [[underline]] North [[/underline]] side of House, the first tree on [[underline]] South [[/underline]] side. Noticed the insect of [[underline]] pinicortices [[/underline]] black & almost .01 long as described by Dr. Fitch.

 The [[male symbol]] Semasia prunivora is probably of an unusually amorous disposition, [[?]] the aphrodisiacal extacy fluttered off the delicate tips of the hairs composing his hind fringe a few million of years ago. = 0


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  Dr. Pennington , of Sterling Whiteside Co., finds pure petroleum, so far he can see from its application to about 100 ^ [[insertion]] apple [[/insertion]] trees, not injurious ^ [[insertion]] against barklice. [[/insertion]] Applied to about 1/2 of large limbs (Say 1 1/2 inch & over in diameter) & to trunk. Prunes trees first. Uses a solution of soap, ^ [[insertion]] with lye [[/insertion]] with as much petroleum as it will take up, & some sulphur, against barklice, applying it from May to June. Finds it pretty effectual.


 Nov. 21. All larvae of Apple-root louse seen were dark lead-color or slate-color, not of a "pale dull yellow color", as described by Fitch (I. p. 9) ^ [[insertion]] [of plenty yellow, taken home] [[/insertion]] They were .04 inch long, as Fitch describes them.  The antennae were 6-jd. as in imago. 1 & 2 short, 4 - 6 rather short, 3 = 4 + 5 + 6 [[strikethrough]] [[image]] [[/strikethrough]] [[image]] Found yellow ones, (immature?) with jt. 3 short; body .03 long Found an orange-color hairy mite (imago) among them. One was over .05 long, lead color. Legs in all dull yellowish. A good sized dark one had jt. 3 only 1 1/2 times as long as 4 or 5. In some immature ant. apparently 5-jd.

  Specimens found on bark (in Egypt)  Jt. from butt, apparently identical with those found on root. 

  Specimens of [[underline]] Ais. Harrisii [[/underline]] on Sorbus (Mountain Ash) from Cobden. Eggs blood-red.

  Nov. 23 Specimens now have sky-blue cottony filaments ^ [[insertion]] about as long as body [[/insertion]] erect & proceeding from all parts of body, (not anus as Dr. Fitch says & figures. [[image]] [[strikethrough]] Sometimes [[/strikethrough]] Generally pellucid globule of sap, diam = diam of body, at anal end.

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Transcription Notes:
Semasia prunivora Walsh