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Poa same as 781
[[underlined]] Poa [[/underlined]], no 782, [[underlined]] californica [[/underlined]].
The dense shade of the pinons may have prevented some characteristic plants from growing in this particular place. Wherever the piñons are wanting . [[underlined]] Artemisia tridentata [[/underlined]] is especially abundant.
The following plants additional to those already recorded to-day were seen.
Krynitzkia pterocarya
Arceuthobium on Pinus monophylla
Gilia inconspicua, no 780
. [[underlined]] Hymenatherum [[/underlined]]
. [[underlined]] Symphoricarpos [[/underlined]]
. [[underlined]] Silene [[/underlined]], with oblanc. acute lves 2 to 4 in long.
On the top of the hill in sub-piñon ground were found the following not recorded this morning
Solanum xanti
. [[underlined]] Teradymia [[/underlined]] canescens
. [[underlined]] Argemone hispida [[/underlined]]