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July 16, 1891
Near Tipton, County, Cal.
We left Paso this morning and proceeded along the railroad to this point, camping by a ranch on the bank of Tule River, about 1 1/2 miles north of Tipton.
The country traversed is a dry, hot, clay plain, and like that seen yesterday is devoted to the raising of barley and to grazing.  There is such a scarcity of water that fruit and alfalfa can scarcely be grown.
Tule River is dry and bears along its banks a few white [[strikethrough]] July 17 [[/strikethrough]] oaks (Quercus lobata) and sycamores.

July 17, 1891.
Visalia, Tulare County, Cal.
We continued this morning along the railroad to Tulare and then followed the motor road to Visalia, reaching here about eleven A.M.
As we approached Tulare, white oaks, ^[[insertion]] [[underlined]] Quercus lobata [[/underlined]] [[/insertion]] became frequent in the fields and there was