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[[start of page]] - 10 - first non-American port I was ever in. The Captain expects to sail at 10:30 this A.M., but we did not leave until about 8:00 P.M. Tuesday, March 19, 1912. S.S. Bramley (90 Mi. W. Galita Is.) C., Warm. Arise about 7:45; I did not feel extra well this morning but feel much better this afternoon. This morning I sat on the deck in the sun; talked to the captain and strung a few labels and this afternoon I developed some plates, and this evening prin-ted a few pictures & talked to the 2nd engineer, mate & captain. It has been a fine day, clear, mild and with just a nice breeze. Bed, 10:45. Wednesday, March 20, 1912. S.S. Bramley. C., Cl. R. at night. Arise about 7:45 & go on deck & walk about and varnish the rail on the upper bridge & talk to the second mate. After lunch, go on deck and watch birds through my binoculars; see puffins & a large bird, presumably fulmors & see a small bird, a finch. Also see a school of porpoises playing about the ship. After supper, talk to captain Ruthen & later, with Mr. Hill. Print a few pictures and go to bed about 11:00. Thursday, March 21, 1912. S.S. Bramley (Malta Is. Abeam at noon). Cl., C. Arise about 7:45 and after walking about on deck for a few minutes, come down in the cabin & put strings in labels until about noon; go on deck & photograph a porpoise alongside the ship; after lunch, string more labels and talk to Capt. Ruthen & the [[end of page]]