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large school of porpoises & many flying fishes.  A man has to watch the men in irons continually to see he does not hurt himself or others.  Bed 10:20.

Monday, April 8, 1912.
S.S. Bramley (Arabian Sea).

Arise 7:00, wash out some clothes and talk to Capt. Ruthen and mates & wash my felt hat.  After lunch write to Hazel Nelson and start a letter to Florence Alexander; continue it in the evening and also start to write a letter to Dick; go to bed about 10:00.

The sunsets here are beautiful and in all directions there are cloudbanks about sunset & late in the afternoon, but are seldom noticeable during the middle of the day.

Tuesday, April 9, 1912.
S.S. Bramley (Arabian Sea).
C. Temp. 84°

Arise 7:00, have a salt and a fresh bath and after breakfast read up on the bridge & talk to Capt. Ruthen; after lunch, read and have a good sleep and after tea enjoy the twilight on the bridge and come down in the cabin and finish writing to Dick and continue my letter to Florence.  There are many flying fish about but very little else.  Bed 10:00.

Wednesday, April 10, 1912.
S.S. Bramley (Arabian Sea).
C.  Temp. 90° in shade.

Arise 6:00; go out on deck & skip rope & exercise with dumbells for a few minutes and then have a salt bath and after breakfast the 1st mate got one of my boxes containing my medicine out