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o'clock this evening, I came down and sorted over my negatives & numbered them. Bed about 10:00

Tuesday, April 16, 1912
S.S. Bramley (Indian Ocean midway from Ceylon to Sumatra.)
Arise a little before 7:00, have a salt bath and borrow the Chief's printing frame & trays & print a couple of pictures for the Captain and read Millers Notes on Malayan Pigs. After lunch read, look at the charts and have a nap for about an hour.
Spend the evening on deck and on the bridge with the captain and mate. The weather has been delightfully clear and a good breeze about all the time. The only animal life I have seen today has been flying fish, mostly small ones. Bed, 9:30.

Wednesday, April 17, 1918.
S.S. Bramley.
Arise at 6:00 and go on deck and exercise with dumbells and talk to the mate and have a salt bath and after breakfast sit on the bridge & read and later fill a tooth for the second mate. Spend the afternoon reading and have a sleep for about an hour. 

The weather has been clear all day but a good strong breeze is blowing; it is therefore very comfortable. Bed, 9:15. (Write Father & Mother).

Thursday, April 18, 1912.
S.S. Bramley, (N. of Sumatra).
Arise at 6:00 and go forward on the deck and exercise with dumbells and have a salt bath. After breakfast, go up on the bridge and see land far ahead. Pulo Weh & Pulo Rondo were abean shortly after noon and I spent quite a while admiring the landscape