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- 21 - through my glasses. This morning I wrote Florence Alexander. This evening I have been enjoying the breeze on the bridge & talking to the captain. There is a good strong breeze now and cool. Bed about 9:15. Friday, April 19, 1912. S.S. Bramley (Straits Malacca). Clear. Arise about 6:00 o'clock and go on deck and exercise with dumbells and after breakfast photograph a booby and later kill and make it up as a skin. After dinner, walk about on deck and sleep from 1:30 until 3:30 and later pack some of my clothes. After supper the Chief filed the release catch on my camera. Talk to the Captain, Mate & Second until about eleven o'clock. Bed, 11:10. Saturday, April 20, 1912. S.S. Bramley (Straits of Malacca). Clear, c., Hot. Arise about 6:30, go up on deck and exercise and have a salt bath and after breakfast see the Second do some soldering and pack some of my clothes and hunt for a letter to the Consul in Singapore which has been mislaid. This afternoon I have been looking over my notes and those from Dr. Abbott and this evening go on the bridge for a while & go amidships & talk to the Chief Engineer. Bed about 9:15. There is a strong breeze blowing now. Sunday, April 21, 1912. S.S. Bramley - Singapore (Hotel Adelphi). R., Clear, Very Hot. Arise on S.S. Bramley about 6:00, go on bridge & exercise