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birds & learn some Javanese & Malay words & at tiffin time talk to a gentleman at the hotel who had crossed northern Borneo, a geologist. Spend the afternoon in the Garden talking to the native boys & enjoy looking at things with my glasses. Have dinner & spend the evening with Dr. J. Van de Breda Haan, his wife, her sister & Miss Gosling, have a very pleasant time. Bed 11:00.

Monday, May 6, 1912.
Batavia, Java.
Arise about 6:30 at the Hotel Belle Vue & after breakfast go to the Museum, talk to Dr. Koningsberger & one of the Curators (I had a card to Dr. Koningsberger from Dr. Van de Breda Haan), talk to them for a while & look at the exhibitions; they have a Varanus which is enormous which was collected on a small island near the Flores Is.; call on the 1st Goiot. Secretary & he sent me a letter to the "Residents" in Borneo & a permit for the use of my guns in Borneo; leave Buitenzorg at 11:36, go to Batavia, arrange money matters & go to Tanjong Prick & then come to Welteureden & take a room at the Hotel des Indes; evening write Mrs. Franklin & go to bed about 9:30.

Tuesday, May 7, 1912.
C., Hot.
Arise in Batavia about 8:00 & after breakfast get in a 2-wheeled carriage & go to the topographical bureau & get a chart of Borneo & come back to the hotel & write; find that the train does not leave for Soerabaja until 2:46 P.M.
I got to the train ahead of time & had a long hot wait: I spent the afternoon looking from the car window at the most beau-