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Friday, May 10, 1912.
Sourabais, Java.
Arise about 7:00 and after breakfast go around to the Oranje Hotel and buy my steamer ticket to Samarinda and then return to the hotel and spend practically the whole day learning Malay words and their meaning; after dinner in the evening go for a walk and then some home and go to bed.

Saturday, May 11, 1912.
Java Sea.
Arise in Soerabaia about 7:00 o'clock and pack my clothes & get a rig to drive me to the steamer which was about an hour's drive from the hotel, then wait at the custom house for another hour & go in a launch to the steamer (Da Haan). There are four other men on board whom I met that are going to Borneo, one a Prof. of Zoology in a Dutch college. This afternoon I had a nap and studied Malay; bed about 11:00.

Sunday, May 12, 1912.
Banjemarin, Borneo.
Cl. R. C.
Arise on the steamer about 7:30 & go out on deck & talk to the other passengers whom are all good fellows and very interesting to talk to; they gave me a lot of Malay words to learn of mammals, birds, etc. and one Heer AhaA van der Does De Bye, an oil prospector of many years experience in Borneo gave me much valuable information. Late this afternoon we came abeam of land; the water was full of clumps of vegetation drifting out with the tide; when we came near the shore of the Barito R. we saw many Malayhute sampoins & birds & a couple of monkeys. Go ashore in Banjemasim.