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ground is yellow clay & the forest composed of large trees with little or no underbrush; the ground clean. Make up skins after dark.

Thursday, November 14, 1912.
[[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] ^[[L]]ong Mindjau, Segah R., Borneo.

     Am weak from [[strikethrough]] s [[/strikethrough]] ^[[d]]ysentery but hunted from shortly after sunrise until about 2:00  P.M.; had Mohamid with me; lost our bearings & were a long time before we could get our old trail which was flooded as the Segah is overflowing its banks. Luckily we reached [[strikethrough]] T [[/strikethrough]] ^[[L]]ong Mindjau with the Sepit before this freshet. The mouth of [[strikethrough[[ T [[/strikethrough]] ^[[L]]ong Mindjau makes a good harbor; great masses of logs, stumps, etc. have been going down stream all day. Everything is moldy & wet from the continual showers & flies & bees thicker than ever.

Wednesday, December 4, 1912.
     Segah R. above Moeara Birang.

     Arose at daybreak; heavy mist on the river; hauled up the anchor & drifted down the river to Dato Melano's place. I went ashore & shot some fruit bats & dato gave me the horns of a lembu and three deer which he had gotten up the Birang.

Monday, December 23, 1912.
     Toembit, Kalei R.

     Make up some bird skins of specimens I got yesterday. About 8:00 P.M., as it was fine moonlight, I decided to hunt, & with Si Bait went to an open jungle about 3/4 of a mile from the village & squat; we heard two or three mouse deer & pigs; one of the latter I shot.