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telegraphed the Resident in Bandjermasin. Have supper with the 2 naval officers here at the house and talk to them in the evening and also Mr. Vermeer who came around to see me, talk & go to bed early but could not sleep.

Tuesday, May 21, 1912.
Samarinda, Borneo.
Cl., R. C.
Arise about 7:00, have breakfast with the two fellows here & go & see Mr. Spann, the Assistant Resident & talk & walk with Lieutenant Vermeer & go to the Custom House with him; also go to the Barbor Master's office & see some charts, come back to the house and spend part of the afternoon planning just what I am going to do and later go around to Mr. Spaan's & learn from him & Mr. Vermeer more about the habits & customs of the natives; bed about 11:00.

Wednesday, May 22, 1912.
Samarinda, Borneo.
R., Cl., C.
Arise about 7:00 and after breakfast interview some natives regarding taking them with me as boatmen, etc.; later go to the Custom House & to see Mr. Gray and talk to him about the use of his shed for putting my outfit in and also learn how dangerous crocodiles are in this part of the country. Afternoon write & later figure up my accounts, also in the evening & have chow & talk with the fellow here in the house and bed 11:30.

Thursday, May 23, 1912.
Samarinda, Borneo.
R., Cl., R.
Arise 7:30, interview more natives about being my crew & go to the Post Office & get several letters & go to see the Assistant