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The wind continues strong and it is cloudy day and night.

Tuesday, July 6th, 1913.
Tandjong Buaya Buaya.

My left hand is much swollen and  very painful; seems to have gotten infected from some small scratch or pin prick. This P.M. I went to the kampong for a while, but the place has a nasty fishy odor as the natives are drying prawns, shrimp.

Wednesday, July 9, 1913.
Tandjong Buaya Buaya.

We have had so much cloudy weather that many of my specimens are slightly mildewed.

Thursday, July 10, 1913.
Tandjong Buaya Buaya.

Last night I decided to wait no longer for the steamer, as a Hollander from Batoe Putih came here and said the coming of the boat was not sure, so this morning I sent Nia & Lautong to Samuntai to hunt for another native, a sailor. About 10:00 A.M., the steamer came, but to Batu Bitih on the other side of the bay. We had a squall just about this time and it blew very hard and as my hand is very painful, I had much trouble in getting up the anchor (which weighs nearly a hundred pounds), as I had to move the prahn on account of rocks.

Friday, July 11, 1913.
Tandjong Buaya Buaya.

With three natives, I went in the canoe across the bay and boarded the steamer and met Dr.Weber, head of the oil prospectors, and he told me that he could not tow my prahn from here to Sangkoelirang but from Labuan Penang he could, so I shall start to-morrow

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