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for Labuan Penang if possible. After spending some time in the kampong, I finally got an old Bajan to promise to go with me to Labuan Penang.

About 5:30 P.M., I went to Batoe Putih in the canoe with four natives. We reached Batoe Putih after dark and I was disappointed to find so many people there, as I had understood the place was practically deserted and that animals were plentiful. I hunted along a trail for about two miles and later in overgrown clearings, but secured only two specimens, one a plandok, the other an adult Hemiga[[strikethrough?]]h[[/strikethrough?]]is.

Saturday, July 12, 1913.
Tandjong Buaya Buaya to near Labuan Klambu.

We had a good breeze this morning and sailed out to the northward and went close to Manimbora and just at dark anchored near Labuan Klambu.

Sunday, July 13, 1913.
Labuan Klambu to near Pulo Kanioengan.

Set sail before daylight and got near Kanioengan when the wind died out and we anchored on the edge of the reef; finally the wind sprang up from the south and is now blowing hard. We shifted late this afternoon and got in closer to the island. 

Monday, July 14, 1913.
Near Pulo Kanioengan.

I took some skins out of pickle and s^[[k handwritten to replace typed c]]ived them and washed them in the sea.

The wind has continued very strong from the south ever since it began yesterday about noon.

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