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January 28, 1914.
Samarinda to Seboeloe.

     Having decided to accompany Mr. Olmeyer on a trip up the Belajan river, I got together what outfit I would need, and taking Ah Sing and Oesar, we left in the Sultan's launch from Mr. Grays's landing.
     About three hours steaming brought us to Tanggarung where we stopped for a couple of hours and picked up Radin Bamban Somoro, the Sultan's son, who will accompany us and also some Kenyah [[Dyaks?]] from up the Belajan. I have my canoe in tow which I will use up the Belajan and we are towing two other larger sampans.
     The Radin in typical style has brought along several natives, so the launch is pretty well filled, Olmeyer, Radin or "Eko" and myself occupying the fore part of the launch and the coolies aft. A few miles above Tanggarung we stopped for about an hour to coal and then went on, reaching Seboeboe, a small native Malay kampong, on the north bank of the river; here we spent the night.  Eko and Olmeyer went out jacking for deer during the night but got nothing. Olmeyer returned about two o'clock in the morning.

Jan 29, 1914.
Seboeloe to Kota Bangoen.

     At daylight we began steaming along again. Radin and four of his coolies had not returned from hunting in the night so we were watching for them as we went along and asking at nearly every clearing if Eko had been seen, but not meeting him after several hours, we turned back and picked him up at a place we had passed two hours before.  It seems he wounded a deer and had spent the morning trying to trace it, thinking he would be back to the river bank when we passed.