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up the slope of a very high bill the upper slopes of which are very steep. From this hill we descend a very steep trail, the lower end of which winds about among some rocks and then suddenly brings us out into a little ravine with a fine clear brook in the centre; a few yards to our left the brook disappears among some rocks, and looking across the ravine we see a double entrance to a cavern; the entrance is about twelve feet above the ground in a perpendicular wall of limestone. We cut a tree of about eight inches diameter and made nitches in the side of it to serve as a ladder to enter the cave. After a hasty examination of the cave entrance which will serve us as a shelter while we are here, I left Ah Sing to arrange the outfit and with Oesar and one of the Dyaks I began setting out traps. 

February 6, 1914. 
  Pondok Batu, Sungai Ritan.

     A few rat traps were set in the cave and in these were caught two small salmon bellied spiny rats, and in the traps outside, one specimen of Epinys rajah and one of Epinys whiteheadi, the skin of the latter destroyed by ants. A Kenyah Dyak of the Radin's party brought me two cynopterus bats of a rather dark brownish color. 
     When going down the slope of the big hill between here and the Ritan, we came across some red pygathrix monkeys and I wounded two of them, but only one of them dropped. 
     At night we hunted with the reflector lamp, following the little brook for a ways and later the line of traps and shot a nice male Hemigalus, called by the Dyaks "dengun". As we were returning to the cave, following the brook, we incidently got a few small fish by striking them with a mandow. 
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