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Tuesday, May 27th, 1913.
Pulo Sanga Laki.
The sun came up fine and clear but within half an hour later it was raining. We got 12 rats; 2 were destroyed by crabs. Here the crabs are as destructive to specimens as the ants; sometimes more so, for they even destroy the skeleton and in several instances have stolen the traps.
This afternoon I went ashore about 3:00 P.M. and hunted until dark, but got but a single kingfisher.

Wednesday, May 28, 1913.
Pulo Sanga Laki.
Nine rats this morning, and the skins of four of them were destroyed by ants and crabs. This is my third day here and I have seen but two small birds, one of which is new to me. When I went to the traps this morning I saw a very small quail (?) black, with reddish tarsus & feet; at first I took it to be a young "Tambm" but it ran and flew like an adult bird.
The prahn did not rest easy, so Nia brought it to the north side of the island where the reef is a bit wider. Ampong and Maade returned from Derawan this afternoon.
I was a good part of the day hunting but with little success. There are many pigeons, both "pergum or boud" and "petehan" here but they seem to stay in the tops of the highest trees and thus, as a rule, out of shot gun range.

Thursday, May 29, 1913.
Pulo Sanga Laki.
At dawn the men filled all the water jars and as soon as the tide rose enough to float our prahn, we started for Pulo Balembangan. We had showers three or four times during the day and at