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March 13, 1914.
Hunt with Tekio for about four miles up along the west bank on the stream but inland; get two squirrels and a crested quail; a Dyak in a canoe met us up stream and we returned by the river; skin the squirrels and quail. Rain late in the afternoon. Spend the evening talking to the Punans. I have broken out with a red rash from the top of my head to the soles of my feet and the itching it causes is intense.

March 14, 1914.
With Lekio cross to the east side of the stream and hunt through fine heavy forest until about 1:00 P.M. About 11:00 A.M. we had a hard shower that lasted about half an hour.

I had nothing to eat before I started, so was glad to find fine durians and two other kinds of fruit to feast on.

Though I heard several squirrels, I got but four, 2 vittatus, 1 atricapillus, and 1 Ratufa with a wound on its back, half healed. This specimen has very few black hairs, practically all the upper part is brown.

From a litter of pigs, I shot one which is about two months old and shows well how the very young are striped; the Dyaks here have several as pets which their dogs have caught; all are striped though one is much larger than the one I got to-day.

I was surprised to see fairly fresh rhinoceros tracks, as they are said to be rare hereabouts.

March 15, 1914.
Go down stream in a canoe with Lekio and hunt to the east of the river where the country is slightly less mountainous than where we hunted yesterday and the day before but the trees are not so high.

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