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April 9, 1914.

Hunt for about three hours in the forest beyond the rice fields but get nothing. I have a cough that has brought on fever and nausea and I have nothing that seems effectual in stopping it.

April 10, 1914.

Make several exposures of Dyaks "Anak Schoolah."

The Controleur at Long Iram sent me an ant-eater alive; previous to killing it, I made a couple of pictures, but am unable to hunt, feel weak, fever, headache and nausea. Receive more specimens from the Dyak boys here.

April 11, 1914.

Have fever; stay in the prahn during the day; at night hunt for about half an hour & get a plandok.

April 12, 1914.

Feel better; first thing this morning develop some plates &, later expose more plates of Dyaks in Hindu costume and dine with the Pastor and spend the evening watching the Dyaks damce; they are as clever as any I have seen.

It continues to rain every day and night at intervals.

April 13, 1914.

Many of the Dyak school boys are catching birds for me with "gutta", or the sticky sap of roots which they put up in the trees.

Hunt at night and get a plandok which was the only thing seen.

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