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[[underlined]] GORING COLLECTION [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] TRIP NO. 7 [[/underlined]] BERCHTESGADEN TO MUNICH - 4 AUGUST 1945 ^[[arrow pointing to]] [[double underlined]] TRUCK NO. 21 [[/double underlined]] - [[underlined]] VORSICHT! KLEINE PLASTIK ZWISCHEN TEPPICHE. [[/underlined]] [[underlined]] 5 SCULPTURES; 6 RUGS; 8 FURNITURE; 45 (?) PAINTINGS; ETC. [[/underlined]] SCULPTURE NO. 138 " " 123 " " 126 " " 141 " " 140 (BASE BROKEN 2 PIECES) 3 WOODEN BASES FOR SCULPTURE 1 SLATE OCTAGON 1 BOX - SCULPTURE FRAGMENTS 1 RED BOX - FRAME FRAGMENTS 8 CHAIRS [[begin bracket marked with *]] 1 CASE [[underlined]]A -[[/underlined]][[underlined]]+[[/underlined]] 9 PAINTINGS 44 PAINTINGS [[/end bracket]] [[*]] [[double underlined]] NICHT GÖRING [[/double underlined]] These paintings from the PARTEI FORUM, Berchtesgaden are brought to the Göring repository after newspaper notices (demanding all Göring pictures) had been published in the local papers-