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ding on the part of individuals, localities and Zones, and to stimulate an enlarged flow of raw materials and semi-finished goods to industry. This will result in an enlarged flow of consumer goods through distribution channels.

It means that U.S. Military Government, except for the commodities listed above, has relinquished all active, operational control over trade and commerce in the U.S. Zone. General policy control, however, will continue to be exercised over such matters by Military Government in order to ensure that the objectives of the United States are achieved.

The Minister Presidents of the States in the U.S. Zone now have a new responsibility for the stimulation and control of trade and commerce, except as indicated above, within the framework of Military Government policies. They are now the trustees of the German public interest, and their success or failure will depend upon their initiative, efficiency, and capacity to obtain the voluntary cooperation of the German people.


The Minister Presidents will exercise
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their trade and commerce responsibilities -- the responsibility for feeding, clothing, and housing the German people -- through the Regional Economic Offices, the Regional Food Offices, and other appropriate governmental agencies. Henceforth, German individuals and firms will take their trade and commerce problems directly to the appropriate German authorities, rather than to Military Government.

In the exercise of these responsibilities, the German authorities have been directed to impose only such regulations and controls over the flow of trade and commerce as are necessary to implement, and to prevent the breakdown of, the German rationing and allocation programs within the U.S. Zone. The Minister Presidents have been authorized to communicate directly with each other and to coordinate policies and regulations pertaining to trade and commerce in the U.S. Zone to the end that the distribution and rationing of commodities is equitable and conforms as closely as is practicable to the needs of the U.S. Zone considered as a whole.


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