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In addition, 3x5 cards bearing this statement are being distributed in duplicate to each officer in Military Government, who will complete both copies and give them to his detachment commander, who in turn will mail them directly to Chief, Personnel & Equipment Branch, Office of Military Government (U.S. Zone), Headquarters, USFET. The information on these cards will enable the Director of Military Government (U.S. Zone) to predict more accurately the replacement requirements in this theater.

The chief advantage to be derived from this change is that officers may now definitely plan for the future by setting their own date on which action must be taken to secure release from the service. It is believed that a sufficient number of officers will now volunteer for varying periods so that it will be unnecessary for Senior Military Government Officers to declare any great number of officers essential in order to have the benefit of their services for a maximum period of six months from the date on which their ASR score entitles them to separation. This six-month clause still remains in effect, however, for undoubtedly in some instances it will be necessary to retain certein key specialists so that the Military Government program will not suffer.

Home Gardens Emphasized

A vigorous program for promoting more and larger home gardens was directed by USFET this week, involving all available publicizing media, such as radio, newspapers, magazines, etc., to stimulate interest in the program. Acrege of forage crops (fodder roots, hay pasture) is to be maintained at the maximum level possible after food crop quotas are met. All land not suitable
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 for other crops will be so utilized. Policy was stated by USFET on non-food crops (flax, hops, hemp, tobacco) for the coming year as the minimum possible without a radical departure from past farming practices. Current-year hectarage for these crops was set as maximum permissable for next year.

Reports Requirements

Some detachments appear reluctant to comply with reports requirements on the basis that Military Districts have not yet indorsed Section XXV of the July 7th Directive. The District Commanders were instructed this week to inform all detachments that reports requirements issued from time to time as amendments to the directive are to be duly submitted without further action from District headquarters. This does not alter current procedure requiring approval numbers for each report called for, with the exception of reports specifically stated to be emergency reports.

DP's in Medical Schools

Military Districts were informed that displaced persons are to be admitted to Medical Schools of the Universities of Erlangen, Heidelberg, and Marburg for the coming winter semester to the extent of ten per cent of the total medical enrollment at each school. Selection of individuals will be made by the competent German authorities at each university from applicants who may have applied directly to the school, and may also be made from among applicants recommended by UNRRA. All displaced persons accepted as medical students must meet the following conditions: they must show that their medical education was already begun, and was directly interrupted by
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