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 Yet, there was some indifference.  There was a boy of about ten blowing at a cup.  Somewhere out of the damp and the stink he had got something hot to drink and he was trying to bring it down to a tolerable temperature. He paid us no attention at all.  And there was some little sign of a thing, not fear and not unconcern.  We must have been more than half way through.  I felt a touch on my free hand, and turned my light there.  It was a boy of about seven.  He smiled and took hold of my hand and walked along with me.  I should not have let him do it, but I did and was glad.  I wonder why he felt that way.  What could have made him know that I was not a monster.  He and another followed us out into the good air.
 We found our storage depot through another entrance and I'm not really sorry that we made a blunder on the first.
 This has been quite long and quite inadequate, but I thought you would like to hear about it.
Much love, darling.

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