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2200 R Street NW
Washington, D.C.
March 28, 1943

Dear W.G.:

I have re-read and am about to destroy your most interesting confidential letter of the 22nd.  The story of this move of the nebulous scheme into definite shape in army hands is most satisfying.  It is just what I'd been hoping for.  Ralph Perry should be decorated for putting it through; it is an inconspicuous act of great importance.  And you, Hencken, and Paul Sachs are just the people to put it through on the professional side.  

It would interest me greatly to work on it, but I am put in a billet here that is distinctly my cup of tea, and so I have no real regret.  For some reason my superior officers do not want this talked about.  There are no old master paintings in it, but there's everything else I've ever worked at, including all and more than I've done with navigation.  I'm in the