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Australian Periodicals.
333 Buckley Blunsun & Co. N.S.Wales Col. Magasine 1879 - NSW
334 Lewin              The Australian Philatelist 1879   LAP
335 Henderson      New Zealand St. Col. Quarterly 1880   NZQ
336 Stanley           Australian St. Col. Journal 1880   SAJ
337 Henderson & Moore            Philatelic Times 1881   HMT
338 Vinden                 Australian Philatelist 1882   VAP

French Periodicals
341 Moens    Le Timbre Poste           1863  TP
342 Maury    Le Collectionneur         1864 CDT
343 Make     Le Timbrophile            1864 Timb
344 Make     Gazette des Timbres       1872 GDT
345 Moens    Le Timbre Fiscale         1874  TF
346 Roussin  Ami Des Timbres           1874 ADT
347 Capelle  Moniteur des Timbrophiles 1882 MDT