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United States Document Stamps.
Lists including also Proprietary &
Playing Cards and mostly priced.
MCSM.  I. 11.104.  Feb. 1868: ACH. IV.  7. 1.  Apl  1877:
MCSM. II.  2. 20.  May. 1868: SLP.  I.  9.  .  May  1877:
MCSM. IV. 11.179.  Nov. 1870: ACH. IV.  8. 2. June  1877:
CJ.P. - . 45.415.  Apl. 1874: DMP.  I. 10. 4.  Jan. 1878:
JC.    I.  4.sup              NFSJ.II. 13. 6.  Nov. 1879:
BCC.  II.  5.  1. July. 1876: T.F. VI.  5. 3.  Jan. 1880:
ACH.  IV.  6.  1.  Mch. 1877: MSC. IV. 42. 3. July. 1877:
BCC.  II.  7.  1.  Mch. 1877:
United States Document Stamps 1st Issue.
Description Articles
AJP. III. 34.115.  Oct. 1870: AJP. II. 15. 39. Mch  1869:
AJP.   -.  W. 35.  Oct. 1870: AJP. II. 16. 50. Apl. 1869:
TP.  VII. 65.  3.  Jan. 1880:

Special Mentions.
1&2 cents "US Internal Rev" Orange & blue
SCM.   I.  2. 30.  Mch. 1863:

1.2&3 cents "Telegraph.
Phil. VII. 74. 15. Jan. 1873: Phil. VII. 80. 93. July. 1873:
Phil. VII. 76. 37. Mch. 1873:

$200 " U.S. Internal Rev"
CCW.    I.  4. 30. Dec. 1878: NEJP.   I.  I.  1.  Jan  1869:
SJ.     V. 49.  3. Jan. 1879:

AJP.   II. 16. 50. Apl. 1869: AJP.   II. 19. 88. July. 1869:

Lottery Ticket,               AJP.   II. 19. 88. July. 1869: