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United States Internal Rev. Prop. Medicine Stamps
Kelly. & Co.        4 cents black. O.
ASM. III. 36.150.  Dec.  1870 -O-: ACH. IV.  1.  6. Oct. 1876 ---
AJP.  IV. 37. 13.  Jan.  1871 ---: CCW.  I. 12. 84. Oct. 1879 ---
BCC.   I.  7.  3.  Mch.  1871 ---:
MSCM.  V.  6.100. June.  1871 ---:
SLP.   I.  7.  4.  Mch.  1876 ---:

Kennedy             2 cents green. O.S.P.W.
AJP.     IV. 37. 13.  Jan. 1871 ---:  AJP. XII.157. 82. July. 1878. -P-
BCC.      I.  7.  3.  Mch. 1871 ---:  MSC.   V. 57. 94.  Sept. 1878 -P-
MSCM.     V.  6.100. June. 1871 1ct:  SJ.   IV. 45. 70.  Sept. 1878 -P-
MSCM.     V.  7.116. July. 1871 ---:  DPM.  II. 15.  2.   Dec.  1878 -PW
L.S.A.  III.  7. 43. Sept. 1874 ---:  SLP.  II. 18.Sup. Jan. 1879 -P-
AJP.   VIII.107,170.  Nov. 1874 ---:  CCW.   I. 12. 84.  Oct. 1879 ---
SJ.     III.  9. 67. Sept. 1877. blue: [[in pencil]] RSCR III  3   2   Aug 1881 W [[/in pencil]]
MSC.      V. 54. 71  June. 1878. -P-:
G.CP.     I.[[?]] 2. July. 1878  -P-:

Kennedy             6 cents black. S.P.W.
L.S.A.  III.  7. 43. Sept. 1874 ---: AJP. XII.151. 82. July. 1878 -P- 
AJP.   VIII.107.170.  Nov. 1874 ---: DPM.  II. 15.  2.   Dec. 1878 -PW.
SJ.     III.  8. 60.  Aug. 1877 proof: SLP. II. 18.Sup. Jan. 1879 -P-
SJ.      IV. 42. 44. June. 1878 -P-: CCW.   I. 12. 84.  Oct.  1879 SPW
G.C.P.    I.  1.  2. July. 1878 -P-: [[in pencil]] RSCR III   3   2    Aug 1881 W [[/in pencil]]
MSC.      V. 54. 71. June. 1878 -P-:

Kennedy             RRR.
AJP.  VII. 80. 66.  Apl. 1873 ---: SLP. II. 18.Sup. Jan.  1879 -P-
DMP.   II. 12.  4.  May  1878 -P-: CCW.  I. 12. 84. Oct.  1879 SP.W.
SJ.    IV. 41. 37.  May  1878 -P-: [[in pencil]] RSCR III  3   2  Aug 1881 W [[/in pencil]]
G.C.P.. I.  1.  2. June. 1878 -P-:
DMP.   II. 15.  3.  Dec. 1878 -P-:

Kerr           4 cents blue.
ACH. IV.  1.  6.  Oct. 1876 ---    CCW. I.   12. 85.  Oct.  1879 -SW-
SJ. III.  9. 67. Sept. 1877. black: [[in pencil]] RSCR III  3   2    Aug 1881 W  [[/in pencil]]
DMP. II. 19.  2.  Apl. 1879 --W:

Transcription Notes:
(I think Sup, as in supplement to a magazine issue - it is the way of writing a large 'S') It makes sense in the context of this index.