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United States Internal Revenue Proprietary Med. Stamps

United States Proprietary Medicine Co. 6 cents black contd
MSCM. V.  7.116. July. 1871.--: SJ. V. 52. 26. Apl. 1879. 3.75
BCC. II.  4.  2.  Mch. 1876.--: CCW. I.12. 87. Oct. 1879. O. 
ACH. IV.  1.  6.  Oct. 1876 --:
CCW.  I.  4. 30.  Dec. 1878[[strikethrough]] 6.00[[/strikethrough]] :   
SJ.   V. 49.  3.  Jan. 1879 6.00:

U.S. Proprietary Medicine Co. Robacks 1 cent black OS.
BCC.  I.  7.  3.  Mch. 1871--: CCW. I. 12. 87. Oct. 1879. OS.
AJP. IV. 40. 45.  Apl. 1871--:
MSCM. V.  7.116. July. 1871--:

U.S. Proprietary Medicine Co. Robacks 1 cent black on yellow OS
BCC.  I.  7.  3. Mch. 1871--:CCW.I. 12. 87. Oct. 1879. OS
AJP. IV. 40. 45. Apl. 1877--:

U.S. Proprietary Medicine Co. Robacks 1 cent black on orange [[S overwritten with O]]
MSCM. V.  7. 16. July  1871,---:
CCW.  I. 12. 87.  Oct. 1879, O :

Van Duzer, Mrs Allens  4 cents black OSW
ASM. III. 33.131. May. 1870.--: BCC.   I.  7.  3. Mch. 1871-
AJP. III. 36.137. Dec. 1870 --: CCW.   I. 12. 87. Oct. 1879. OS.
MSCM.  V.  1. 20. Jan. 1871 --: [[written in pencil]]RSCR.III.  1.  5. Feb 1881- W [[/pencil]]
AJP.  IV. 37. 12. Jan. 1871 --:

Van Duzer, Mrs. Allens 6 cents black W
[[pencil] R [[/pencil]]SCR.  II.  1.  6. Mch. 1880--:
[[pencil] R [[/pencil]]SCR. III.  1.  5. Feb. 1881-W:

Vegeline See Stevens

Vermifuge see Jahnes Lock, Schwartz.

Vogler. A.   1 cent black. S.W.
L.S.U. III. 9. 58. Nov. 1874--: AJP. IX. III.45. Mch. 1875.--