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[[above framed table]]  2 [[/above framed table]]
United States Internal Revenue Proprietary Medicine Stamps
Wright. R. & G.A. 4 cents green. O.S.W.
ASM. III. 33.131.  May. 1870.--: CCW. I. 12. 88. Oct.1879. O.S.
AJP.  IV. 37. 14.  Jan. 1871.--:[[in pencil]] RSCR III 3 3 Aug 1881 W [[/in pencil]]
BCC.   I.  7.  3.  Mch. 1871.--:
MSCM.  V.  7.116. July. 1871.--: 

Wright. E.J. see Soule &Co.

Young America Linnement see Brown C.F.

Young. Ladd & Coffin. 1 cent green. S.P.W.
SLP.  II. 16.  3. Dec. 1877--: DMP. II. 12. 14. May. 1878. S.P.
SJ.  III. 11. 86. Nov. 1877--: MSC.  V. 54. 71. June.1878-P-
DMP. III. 12. 92. Dec. 1877--: CCW.  I.  4. 30. Dec. 1878-W-
MSC.   V. 51. 28. Mch. 1878--: DMP. II. 15.  3. Dec. 1878. P
PN.    I.III.  2. Mch. 1878-P: SLP. II. 18.sup. Jan. 1879. [[O overwritten with P]] W.
ADJ.   V. 52.212. Apl. 1878--: CCW.  I. 12. 88. Oct.1879.SP
AJP. XII.149. 58. May.1878-P-:[[in pencil]] RSCR III 3 3 Aug 1881 W [[/in pencil]]
SLP.  II. 17.  3. May 1878.-

Young Ladd & Coffin. 2 cents blue. S.P.W.
[[SLP overwritten with SJ ?]].  III. 11. 86. Nov. 1877---: MSC.  V. 54. 71. June. 1878 -P.W.
SLP.  II. 16.  3. Dec. 1877---: SLP. II. 18.sup. Jan. 1879. -P.W.
DMP. III. 12. 92. Dec. 1877---: DMP. II. 15.  3. Dec. 1878. -P.
PN.    I.III.  2. Mch. 1878-P-: MSC.  V. 57. 29. Mch. 1879.-P. 
ADJ.   V. 52.212. Apl. 1878---: DMP. II. 19. 2.  Apl. 1879. -W
SLP.  II.149. 58. May. 1878---: CCW.  I. 12.88.  Oct. 1879. -S.P.W.
AJP. XII.149. 58. May. 1878-P-:[[in pencil]] RSCR III 3 3 Aug 1881 W [[in pencil]]
DMP.  II. 12. 14. May.1878. SP:

Young Ladd & Coffin 3 cents vermillion S.P.W.
MSC.  IV. 45. 68 Sept. 1877---: 
SJ.  III. 11. 86. Nov. 1877---: AJP. 12.149. 58. May. 1878. -P-
SLP.  II. 16.  3. Dec. 1877---: SLP. II. 17.  3. May. 1878. -P- 
DMP. III. 12. 92. Dec. 1877---: [[DMP?]]. II. 12.  4. May. 1878-SP-
MSC.   V. 51. 27. Mch. 1878-P-: MSC.  V. 54. 71. June. 1878. -P.W
PN     I.III.  2. Mch. 1878-P-: ADJ.  V. 58.234. Oct.1878-P-
ADJ.   V. 52.213. Apl. 1878---: DMP. II. 15.  2. Dec.1878-P-
ADJ.   V. 53.216. May. 1878 -P: DMP. II. 19.  2. Apl.1879-W-


Transcription Notes:
What looks like Mac to someone is definitely MSC - the middle letter is the way of writing an 'S'