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[[preprinted]] 45 [[/preprinted]]
Leg        Okahd
Lend       A wuh wag
Lesson     A nahw weah tog
Let        A wuh wa[[strikeout]]g[[/strikeout]]y
Letter     Mzin egen
Liar       Ka gnishw shkid
Lice       Ko je shug
Lick       A nos quahd mig
Lie        Zhgih shin
Lie        A gnuhw shkig
(27) Life  Pmah dzih win
Lift       A gwe dneh gag
Light      P[[strikeout]]?[[/strikeout]]puk keah
Light      A pska na tog
Lightning  Wah wah smo je gwa
Like       Nah sahb
Limb       Odih quen
Limp       Ochih chah shin
Lion       Shi[[strikeout]]s[[/strikeout]]b bzhe
Lip        We yahs do na gen
Listen     Bziheh ton
Little     Pga je
Liver      Okon
Lizzard    Kah ktah nahk