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Spoon            Be wah pko a quahn
Spotted          Gdug zih
Sprain           A za gweeg
Spread           A zhwa ksih dog
Spring           Mno kmih
Sprinkle         A swa bea nmug
Spur             Pteh kjashk gen
Spy              Na dwah tod
Squeeze          Mah goja nan
Squint           A zah bah big
Squirrel         Sen go
(48) Stable      Na gdoshk ksha ogum mig
Stain            A tet tag
Stallion         Nun wih yeh gwahn
Stammer          Pa sub so gig dod
Stand            A ne bwug
Stand out        Zahg gjih yeh gwahn
Stand in         Bej yeh gwahn
Stand still      To kum
Stand straight   Dbah zih
Star             Nug  [[underlined]] plu [[/underlined]]. Nug gog
Starvation       Pkih ta nahd mo win
Stay             A yeg