Viewing page 69 of 156

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[[preprinted]] 101 [[/preprinted]]
[Clarify this list at the end] (Cont from p. 92 
[[check mark]] [[underline]] Eng. & Ind [[superscript]] [[underlined]] n [[/underlined]] [[/superscript]] 
[[underlined]] Conversation [[/underlined]] - 

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] Q. Who is that man? Wa ne jih o nih neh? [[insertion]] [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethrough]] [Wa nejiho mih neh?] [[/insertion]]

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] A. My father N' os

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] Q Who is that woman? Wa ne jih o qua?

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] A. My mother N' gea

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] Q. Who is that young girl? Wa ne jih o zhazhk ze?

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] A. My daughter N'dah nis

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] " My sister N'deh quame

[ [[checkmark]] [[underlined]] Uncles [[/underlined]]

[[Line connecting My sister and My Uncle in the margins]]

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] [[encircled]] My uncle, [[strikeout]]([[/strikeout]]mother's brother [[strikeout]])[[/strikeout]] N'zhish sha

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]]My uncle [[strikeout]]([[/strikeout]] father's brother [[strikeout]])[[/strikeout]] No kma [[/encircled]] [No koma]

[[strikeout]] Uncles [[/strikeout]] [[encircled]] Ok meh mah, Ozhih sha mah [[/encircled]]

[[Line grouping together the two entries on My uncle]]

[ + [[checkmark]][[3 line round bracket]][[2line round bracket]] [[superscript]]X[[/superscript]]My Aunt, [[superscript]]my[[/superscript]][[strikeout]]([[strikeout]]mother's sister [[strikeout]])[[/strikeout]] N' no sha

[[checkmark]] My Aunt [[superscript]]my[[/superscript]] [[strikeout]]([[/strikeout]]father's sister [[strikeout]])[[/strikeout]] N'zih gwis

[[checkmark]] ( [[strikeout]] Aunts F. N'zih giws, [[encircled]] N'no sha [[/encircled]][[/strikeout]]

[[Line connecting Aunts strike through  to X above entries for My Aunt]]
[[End of Aunts strike through is circled with a line leading to M. or M.K written on the next line]]

[[dotted line]] M.K [[dotted line continues]] [[solid line underneath]]

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] Q. Who is that woman? Wa ne jih o qua? 

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] A My wife  Ne wish

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] My husband N'nah bame (or bam)

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] Q. Who is that man? Wa ne jih o nih neh? [Wa ne jeh o nih nih?]

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] A. My grandfather N'mih sho mis

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] " My grandson No sis sa

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] My grandsons No sis sa yeg

[[checkmark]] Q. What is the name of your father? Ten ne jeh a zhneh kah zod g'os?

[[checkmark]] W. John, alias, Black[[insert]]#[[/insert]][[triple underline]]H[[/triple underline]]awke Jahn, alias, Mkuh da mske ka kake

[[end page]]