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[[checkmark]][[scribbled out]] [Who is that man? Wane jih o nih nih? 
My husband N'nah bame [[/scribbled out]] [[preprinted]] 103 [[/preprinted]]
[[checkmark]] [[encircled]] repitition [[/encircled]]

[[checkmark]] After noon  Ge [[strikeout]][[[/strikeout]] Gezh nahw quag Ge gwak bme nah o qua[[insert]]h[[/insert]]g [[insert sign]]

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] What is your name? Ten ne jeh a zhih kah zyen?

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] Joseph Zo za
[[checkmark]] - To a male
[[checkmark]][[checkmark]]Are you married?[[strikethrough]](to a male)?[[/strikethrough]] Gdo wew neh? 

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] Yes Ko wun nug ga
[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] No Cho [[underline]]or[[/underline]] Cho win
- To a female
[[checkmark]][[checkmark]]Are you married [[strikeout]](to a female)[[/strikeout]]? Gdo she neh?

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] Do you want to marry? Gwe oshe neh?

[[checkmark]] [[image]] arrow from top to this line[[/image]] The Priest, Preacher, or Elder Ma kda oko nyeah [Makda oko néá]

[[checkmark]] Of days

[[checkmark]][[image]] arrow from bottom of page with head at this line [[/image]] The day is clear Ge zhick mzhuh quet

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]]The day is cloudy Ge zhick ngwahn quet

[[checkmark]] It is rainy Gmouhw nah [[insert]]#[[/insert]] njah

[[checkmark]]It is snowing Bo ne mgud

[[checkmark]]It is raining Gmeh wun [[checkmark]] It rains Gmuh wehn

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]]It is warm Gzhah ta mgud [Gzheh ta nged]

[[checkmark]] It is cold  Ksin nyah mgud

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]] It is windy [[insert]] The rain blows hard [[/insert]] Kchih no din

[[checkmark]][[checkmark]]It thunders Jegwa mgud [ge gwa mged]

[[checkmark]] Day is long  Zheb ge zhgud

[[checkmark]] It will be pleasant tomorrow We mno ge zhged [[strikeout]]?[[/strikeout]] wah [[strikeout]]?[[/strikeout]] bug

[[checkmark]] It will be a fair day to morrow We mno ge zhgud wah bug or [[arrow]] ngome

[[strikeout]] It will be a fair day [[arrow above]]or to day [[strikeout]] We mno ge zhgud [[/strikeout]]

[[checkmark]] My horse is long winded Zheb gah um nde gwahm

[[checkmark]](Is the day clear?  Mzhih quet nuh ge zhik? 

+3 pl.