Viewing page 105 of 156

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 137 [[/preprinted]]
[[margin]] tr [[/margin]] [[arched line over first column]]
√ I spit        In'ge suh quo ach ga
√ You spit      Ke ke shu quo ach ga
√ He spits      Ke suh quo sach ga
√ They spit     ke suh quo ach ga wuk
√ I speak       In'ge git
√ You speak     Ke ke git
√ He speaks     Ke ke to 
√ They speak    Ke ket wuk
√ I sleep       Ne ween e bau
√ You sleep     Ke ween e bau
√ He sleeps     Ween e bau
√ They sleep    Ween e bau wuk
[[triple horizontal line]]
[[circled]] 1 [[/circled]]
[the Indian precedes the English


[[double arched line over last column]]
√ Give me         Me shim
√ I am dry          Go bos kit a ees
√ Very good         Ke cho wa net
√ Girls             Ke gā go suk
√ Tail              Wis a wa nek
√ Pen or Quill      Me quin
√ a Rattle-snake's head   She she qua u tup
√ a Spider          O^[[insertion]]o [[/insertion]]yā buck

6 5/8 X 3 7/8
Matthew 5 [[U?]].
vocab meshin etc. 14 [[U?]].
11 [[ornate bracket]] I think the 5 [[U?]] of Matthew should [[underlined]] follow [[/underlined]] the 14 [[U?]] in the same book