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√ It is right           Eque yin
√ Not right             Cho eque yin
√ Tomorrow              Wa bric to
√ Day after tomorrow    Wis wa bric
√ Day after that        Ca cho wis wa bric
√ Today                 In gome
√ Yesterday             on [[stricken]]In[[/stricken]] a^3 go
√ Day before yesterday  Wis na go
√ Day before that       Ca cho wis na go
√ Little                Po cachee
√ Small                 Cachee na yah
√ Large                 Chim sham get
√ Many, plenty          Co chim jesh
√ Great wind            Ca chin o din
[[short line break]]
√ Geese                  Ne cuk
√ goose                  Ne cuh
√ My horse               De guam
√ Is that yours          Kene a che te quam
√ My pipe                In dope piva gin
√ What                   A ee
√ Which                  Ten ech[[^#]]ee
√ How many               Tene git so
√ ^ be still or Be silent  Toke ma buk
√ Make no noise          Ka go wis quay wig suk kig
√ Man                    Nen eh
√ Men                    Nin wuk
√ Here                   Sho tak
√ Wait directly          Ma qua
√ Handkerchief           Moo swaw
√ Deer                   Suk see
√ I am cold              Be ga che
√ Do not                 Ka go
√ Quit                   Et so
√ And                    Epe
√ At that time           E u pe
√ River                  Se bee
√ Town                   O ton
√ Rip                    Spum uk
√ Yonder                 A zah
[[short line break]]
√ Horn                   We wun
√ Your head             Ke tup [[circled]]2[[/circled]]
√ Spoon                 Em quam [[circled]]1[[/circled]]
√ Far  [[stricken]] Pe noch[[/stricken]] pe noch
√ Near                  Po soach
√ My head [[stricken]]N tup[[/stricken]] n' tup
√ Be still [[stricken]]To com[[/stricken]] to com
√ Swan                 Wap see
√ Maybe it is too late  Wo zam ka na bick kachee na yah
[[image - arrow to insert between "Swan" and "Maybe it is too late"]]
o mo ces bo quet       Bee honey