Viewing page 110 of 156

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[[preprinted]] 142 [[/preprinted]]
√ Where did you come from     Tun e peche wi pe i [[strikethrough]] ae an [[/strikethrough]] ac
√ Where did they come from    Tun e peche we pe an
√ I want to go                Ne we she ah
√ This side                   O tos
√ Beyond                      Wiss
√ Below                       Ne sauch wun
√ Above                       Ko tauch wun
√ [[strikethrough]] God [[/strikethrough]] God   Ke sham in a to
√ Devil                       Ke chim in a to
√ Your soul                   Ke che baum
√ Your souls                  Ke che baum wauk
√ You will die                Ke kan nep
√ Light                       Wa sa ah
√ Dark                        Kees kup ko ne ah
√ Soon                        Nah gach
√ Lie down                    Skesh nen
√ Rise up                     P^suk ween
√ There                       She w
[[short line break]]
[[circled]] 8 [[/circled]]
√ Yonder                      A zho
√ Here                        Sho ta
√ In                          Pe che ya quan
√ Out                         Shaw guh
√ On the top                  Quich yo quan
√ Shore or river bank         Cheek ea quan
√ Where                       Ton a pu
√ Come in                     Pi to con
√ Behind                      Squi yak
√ Before                      Ne gan
√ Go before                   Ne gan ene
√ Blow it out                 Yaw tu bo da din
√ We cut it                   Gee geesh qua min
√ Corn stocks                 Che pwa ka nek
√ He came                     Ke pe a
√ He risk [[strikethrough]] [[?]] [[/strikethorugh]]       Co nash koke
√ Smoke                       Co chip a qu ame
√ You beat me                 Ke'p ri'k ka^3 now
√ Stone                       Sen
√ Spirit, Pigeon or Dove      Minato me me
√ the Ground                  Shis ka
√ I do it well                Cho we kas nene
√ We do it well               Cho we kas nene ke nan
√ A back load                 Pim oo na
[[short line break]]
[[circled]] 9 [[/circled]]      
√ One Bag full                In' gote osh kin
√ Two Bags " [[Ditto for: full]]              Nesh osh kin
√ Three "  " [[Ditto for: Bags full]]             In sosh kin
√ Four " " [[Ditto for: Bags full]]        Naw osh kin
√ Five  "  "  [[Ditto for: Bags full]]                Nawn osh kin
√ [[strikethrough]] Tobacco [[/strikethrough]] to chew Tobacco   Cone aip

Transcription Notes:
TC has asked volunpeers to transcribe the meaning of the ditto marks eg " " [[Ditto for: bags full]] It appears this was done.