Viewing page 111 of 156

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[[preprinted]] 143 [[/preprinted]]
√ Three horses coming loaded  I'n swa [[strikethrough]] nektos kshuk [[/strikethrough]] [[underlined]] nek tosk shuk [[/underlined]] pe a^4 we oo sheke
√ Three horses loaded  In swa nektoskshuk { ak sco^[[insertion]] # [[/insertion]]r eke}
{a' we oo sheke}
{ak a che we oo sheke} [[arrowed line to indicate 'Three horses loaded]]
√ He comes           Ke pe a
√ We do it well      Cho we kas nene kenan
√ Let go or Put it down   Pe cat nin
√ Put it away safe   N es [[strikethrough]] N'as [[/strikethrough]] tone
√ Put it from you    Ya che tone
√ White              Wap shaw
√ Black              M^kit a wa
√ Red                Im' squaw
√ Blood              Im' squag
√ Gray               Way chip a quak
√ Green              Skap a kauk
√ Look this way      Shota pene a bin
√ Your situation     Ash wibe sit
√ My situation       She wip sa an
√ Cut [[strikethrough]] (?) [[/strikethrough]] Kesk shawn
[[short line break]]
[[circled]] 10 [[/circled]]
√ Spur                Pe^tu^ka ches^ca^kin
√ Do you do right     Kene^nex ta ween gess 
√ I'll go with you    Car eche a win
√ Come with me        We chow [[strikethrough]] skin [[/strikethrough]] shin
√ Are you lonesome    Ke wa tis na
√ Drive to cows up    Pe^et in esh eow pe^sukuk^wuk
√ The cows are coming  Pe^suk wuk pe ek
√ The cow is coming    Pe^suk kip^eawak
√ The cow is going [[strikethrough]] K she en [[/strikethrough]] Pe^suk k'shes wak
√ They go  [[strikethrough]] Nu nog na a bo [[/strikethrough]] K'she ek
√ Milk                 Nu nog na a bo
√ Will you have it     En taw e in na
√ Will he have it      Wo taw e in na
√ Will they have it    Wo taw in a wan na
√ I will have it       N gaw e in  or  Nenee gaw ein
√ I want to buy it     Ne we gesh bin a tone
√ I shoot a mark       Gēke wa tāk wa gā
√ Is shisks there      Shisko neshe(a)wak
√ It fell down         Kep mik co i am get
√ I fell down          Nene gepe muk ochin
√ What is the matter   Taw chik ke tit a min
√ Because              A nes shis shinaw
√ Everything           Dhak kaga 
√ Steam boat           Scotah nab^quan
√ Seat or Saddle       Pite yanp^wan
√ Goat                 Mo tow
[[short line break]]
[[circled]] 11 [[/circled]]
Here the English is before the Indian marked [[circled]] X [[/circled]]
X √ I struck  Met taa wan      Ngee wy poat wan Met taa wan
X √ He struck  Met taa wan     Oa gee wy poat wan Met taa wan yan
X √ Thou lovest a dog       Kee tah bah nah, oa nu moash
X √ He loves a dog          Oa tah bah non, oa nu moash un
X √ A dog loves him         Oa tah bah non, oa nu moash