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√ The mouth of the river         Ks pis a ga
√ My ear, my ears               O^taw gin, O^taw wuk
√ [[strikethrough]] My nose, noses [[/strikethrough]]  In' jash ^[my nose], In' jash wan,my noses
√ [[stricken]]My chin, chins[[/stricken]] In' dam kin, ^[my chin] In' dam kin in [[stricken]]ng[[/stricken]] [pl.]
√ [[stricken]]My tongue, tongues[[/stricken]]  In' zake a nin wa gin ^[my tongue] + in (plural)
√ [[stricken] My tooth, teeth [[/stricken]]
ne pich ^[my tooth] [[stricken]]Ne pich[[/stricken]] Ne pe tin
√ [[stricken]]My foot, my feet[[/stricken]] In set, ^[my foot] In set in, ^[my feet]
√ I do not know where he put it   Chang a can mace kachetote
√ When                            Taw peche
√ Who                             Wa nee o
√ That is it                      A e sah
√ An old man, [old men]           Koa zee     + uk
√ An old woman, [old women]       N' dum o za    + uk
√ Young man, [Young men]          Skin a wah     + ek
[[short line break]]
[[circled]] 14[[/circled]]
√ Young woman                     Ke gaw goke
√[[stricken]]Married woman[[/stricken]] unmarried woman  Shask see
√ an Infant                       Pe^noch ah
√ Your hair                       Ween siss
√ Face                            Schez^uk
√ Your forehead                   Ko ket a koke
√ Cheek                           No ee
√ My shoulder                     O ten mau gen
√ Thumb                           O getch nech
√ Fingers                         Nepe nok quan nich en
√ Little finger                   Dis quen nich
√ the Upper part of the arm       In cho y wuk
√ Colt ,[[stricken]]Colts[[/stricken]] Man coo ses  + siek, colts
√ [[stricken]] Cat, Cats[[/stricken]]   Cosh coss - suk [[stricken]] + seik[[/stricken]] cat, cats
√ Wolf, wolves      Moo ah  -[[stricken]]+[[/stricken]]  ak
√ Beaver, Beavers    Muk   - [[stricken]]+[[/stricken]] oke
√ Otter, otters   [[stricken]]K^tit ah - + k[[/stricken]] k tit tah - k
√ Mink, Minks   Onip squawh - [[stricken]]+[[/stricken]]uk
√ Rabbit, Rabbits    Mu suawh - [[stricken]]+[[/stricken]] uk
√ Ground hog     Co^co^chesh
√ Panther        Shepe she
√ Wild cat       Psho
√ Mouse          Wap ho nosh quah
[[short line break]]
√ Buck           Yah bah
√ Doe            O koo
√ Fawn           Kat e ken^ah
√ Ass            Mah mok shah
√ [[stricken]]Bird, birds[[/stricken]] Bird  P^na shee - [[stricken]]+[[/stricken]] k  [[stricken]]Bird[[/stricken]]
√ [[stricken]] ["?] [[/stricken]] male    Nin we oo a quan
√ [[stricken]] ["?] [[/stricken]] female  Qui yau a quan
√ Quail[[stricken]], quails[[/stricken]]   Puk kee - [[stricken]]+[[/stricken]] uk
√ Buzzard         We nau gah
√ Hornets         Wap skit^e a gik
√ Yellow Jackets  Wah saw see zik