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[[preprinted]] 146 [[/preprinted]]
[[There are checkmarks at the beginning of all English words and slashes[/] on the first letter of all Indian words on this page]]
√ Nest, [[strikethrough]] nests [[/strikethrough]]
Way ses san - [[stricken]]+ [[/stricken]] nin
√ Flowers                     Wa wa sko nah tow, yen
√ Flowers before they blow    P'shin ah we none
√ Eagle                       Muk kis was
√  Woolen cloth               Min^a^to wa [[superscript 4]] ken
√  Button, Buttons            Skak was gin -[[stricken]]+[[/stricken]] in
√ Leather                     Me shaw gin [[stricken]]+[[/stricken]] (gin in)
√ Fat or grease               Mit tah
√ Salt                        So taw gin
√ His body                    We owe
√ My body                     Ne owe
√ My breast                   In'kok ka see
√ My belly                    In'shuk
√ My back                     In puk quen 
[[short line break]]
√Hip                          No gin
√My knee                      In' ge quin
√ Thick part of the leg       O nam
√ Front part of the leg       In' cate
√ Heel                        In do ten                     
√ My nail                     In skish                    
√ Bone                        O kin
√ Joint                       I^an kow kin ak
√ My skin [[stricken]In skih[[/stricken]] in shih
√ My elbow                    In dos quen 
√ Table                       To pown
√ Garter                      Kaw tep sa win
√ Ashes                       Puk quah
√ My relations                Anwimegak
[[margin]] English before Indian and sep list of paper. [[/margin]]
√ Strawberries        Muh shke ke min in
√ Huckleberries       Min in
√ Walnuts             Waw eah pe kon
√ Hickory nuts        Pe kon en
√ Hazle nuts          Pe kon as en
√ Butternuts          Ke no ship pe kon en
√ Salt                Seu tau gen
√ Pepper  [[underlined]]W[[/underlined]]as suk unk
√ Sugar               Sis bau quit
[[margin]] Indian before English as before except *[[/margin]]
√ North               Weth bo^ah kese so wuk
√ South               Witch nah quek
√ East                Witch moke uk
√ West                Wetch pa kish moke
*√ Morning            K kish eap
√ Noon                Na o queh
*√ Evening            In' sah yah
*√ Winter             Ep pa poke
√ Spring              M^noke o muk
√ Summer              Ep in ah wuk
√ Autumn              Et a qua guk  
[[arrow from this list to above box, written vertically on page]]
Am n'o kesis     - Deer running / October
Pa no nokesis    - Deer change the hair
Ke' chim ko kesis   - bear with young
m'ko kesis       - bear have their young
[perhaps]tek) Uk co na kesis  - snow moon (Feb.
Che chak kesis      - cranes return
puk cone kesis     - when trees bark
in' deamin kesis     - strawberry (May
ip seome nah kesis    - when a particular berry is ripe (June
[[end arrowed section]]
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