Viewing page 117 of 156

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[[preprinted]] 149 [[/preprinted]]
√ Perhaps they will get lost
/Ken a bitch ge che keke ke wa neke

√ I'll wait for you here
/Shotisa, cub bwo yin

√ Dont kill it any more
/Ca go me nin sah ka kin

√ Little bird flew off
/Pin  a shees keke se keh

√ /Onion
/Skaw guish

√/Almost done it
Ka gah  in' gees ton
[[short line break]]

[[circled]] 23 [[/circled]]

√ I laugh
/In'ge i in ote
/Koo [[strikethrough]] kooash [[/strikethrough]] koosh shuk ke wi nash kow

√ I swim 
/In ge pa kis

√ He swims
/Wene  ke pa kis o

√ The horse swims
/Nek tosk sh ak pa kiso

√ Go quick
/Ke a nup we ma^chen

√ I am sleepy
/In' gek keep a kosh 

√ I look to you for something
/Kup e kosh in 

√ Are you sleepy
/Ke kepe a kosh nah 

√ Not yet 
/Cho ma sheh 

√ I put it there
/In ge sauk 

√ Give the horses corn  
/Neka  tosk shah wis^shim n dam nuk 

√ Catch the horse 
/Wom shin neka tosk shah 

√ Get the kettle 
/Wo nash kuk

√ Take the kettle or carry it
/Ma che wush  + kuk

√ Carry stick to burn
/Ma che tone tuk quem 

Wood for the fire
/Im' sen

√ [[strikethrough]] I forgot it [[/strikethrough]]
In ge oo nen don ^ [[insertion]](I forgot it (or) [[/insertion]] In'do na en ton 

√ When will you sell 
Ten e che pe, ke tah wen  (or) way in 
[[image - arrow from 'When will you sell' to end of 'way in']]
√[[strikethrough]] Can you sell [[/strikethrough]] 

{/Ke tan^it ta wen nah}
{/Ke we tah wen nah }     can you sell
{/Ke tah tah wen nah }

√ Do not sell 
/Kah go tah wah ken

[[short line break]]
[[circled]] 24 [[/circled]]

√ You will not sell 
/Cho ke'we tah wah see 

√ What makes you sell your gun
/Wak o neche wach a tah wah in ke bask sa gin

√ I sell my gun because I do not want it
/In' det tah wah in bask sa gin cho^sene wea ^sene wah che tah weh yan 

[[bracketed section]]
√ Grass is dry       /K kisk sin 

√ Burnt prairies     /Wa we pit o ke oin 

√I lay it up         /N kin it ma

√ Tracks             /Pmuk qrk

√ I move             /N wek r min

√ Lick or wallow     /O an ta kin 

√ The road forks     /Am a tas uk
[[/bracketed section]]

[In pencil + of a later period]
Below the [[strikethrough]] pag [[/strikethrough]] rest of the page is blank 

[[short line break]]

[[circled]] 25 [[/circled]]  blank
[all of these above Indian before English mostly]