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[[preprinted]] 153 [[/preprinted]]
[every line begins with a small letter [[underlined]] throughout [[/underlined]] ]
[[margin]] (5 + 5)     10, 11 [[/margin]]
√ Where will you hunt next fall      Tin e pe cha, watch sheh, ke oo sen, teh quah guk
√ I will hunt on the Wah bash          Wah bash uk sah in git sheh, ke oo seh
√ Is that a good place to hunt          Wah net nah she, ah we che ke oo sek
√ It was good but not now       An ah wis^#sah ke wa net cho sah wene gome
√ What makes it bad now       Taw chis shin nah, wech me ah nuk in gome
√ They have killed all the deer        Chi ek suk see o gene sah wan
√ Are there many muskrats       Mah nake nah shis ko ek
√ ( Do you hunt them for their meat or for their skins)      Ke nis sah wak nah we yos mo wah, ah we Yoh yek tah nak otis sam wan, uh we yoh wek
√ We kill them to eat       Nis sah min sah, ah we mo git
√ Do you like to hunt        Ke min wine don ah wah nah eh ge oo seh yek
√ Yes that is very good sport        Ko in uky ke ch(^2)eh im' dah chi yim
√ (When we kill elk we have    In' es kit nuk ko im' sh(^2)eh weh ke chim jesh
plenty of meat to eat)         Nuk ko we os in di o min
√ I like to shoot pigeons        In' gich min wen don me meke eh pa pask zo queh
√ I dont like to shoot doves      Cho in min win da seen, min ah to me mek, eh zo pa pask-queh     
√ Where did you hunt last winter        Tan e pe cha kah che ke oo sen po nok     
√ Did you kill plenty of everything      Im' jesh nah kene sak chok shin nah keh go    
√ I did not kill anything     Cho so wee ke^#go in gene to seen   
√ Did you see nothing     Cho nah ke^#go ke wap it is seen wan tone  
√ No I saw nothing     Cho suk keh go in ge wap it is seen wan to yan       
√ When will the Indians return        Taw pe che ke pe ah wat nesh nau bek
√ I will tell you       Kow we to mo, ke pe ah wat      
[[short line break]]
[[margin]] (6 + 6)  12, 13 [[/margin]]
√ (When they come will they work in their fields)       Ke pe a wat nah kum meke it che a weke o git a kan wak
√ (It would be better if they would drink less and work more)       Wis e meh, tah chik ko wah net, whis^#key, bone me nuk que wat wise meh, che mik it che we wat o git a kan wak
√ I believe they dont like to work      Cho min win dah seen ah wah, ah we mik it che we wat in dish-teh ah
√ (If they would work more they would live better)       Wis se meh, mik it che we wat, wis se meh dom in o eeke
√ You are poor because you dont work       Kech ket ee mah gis o [[strikethrough]]zahm[[/strikethrough]]zam cho ke me ke che we see
√ Does your field grow well       Ket tah kan noh nim no gin
√ No it is too dry        Cho ozam sin nah gos cow get
√ It is long since we had rain      Ke chip pin a we ke kin moro no bin
√ (Everything will die if we have no rain soon)     Chok shin ah ch(^2)eh go, kum bome get Kesh pin pwah kum o muk ke a nip
√ (If you had oxen and plow could you plow your field)      Kesh pin pwah [[strikethrough]]y(^2)ah[[/strikethrough]] y(^2)eh w(^2)ek w(^2)eh ta be a chik pshuk wuk epe ke mup poch gin in ke tah nah mup po tah= nah wa nah gug git ta kan wah
√ I do not know if I could plow     Cho in do nah mip po gach see
√ If you try I think you can       Kesh pin pah, go oo cheh tone, ketok dish tah (^4)ah skit tone in     
√ It is not hard      Cho sah siz nik sah none
√ (It would be good if all the Indians would plow their fields like the whites)      Tak it cho wah net kesh pin chi ek nesh nau bak Mip o to wat o git a kon wan kech wah cho mo ko man uk
√ (If the Indians would work Cass would give them plows)      Kesh pin nesh nau bek meke a chah we wat Cess o tauk me in go wan mip poach gin in
[[short line break]]
[[margin]] (7 + 7) 14, 15 [[/margin]]
√ (He would give them oxen and waggons to haul wood)     Pe shuk win w(^2)eh tauh be en gin, epe, otah bean in im tuk quen a we yow chit ta pe ah to wat