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√ Have you planted all your corn           Kese sah wak nah chiek in daminuk
√ No, but a little                         Cho pe kach ee
√ Will you plant any potatoes              Ko we sah wak nah pineack
√ Yes I will plant some                    Ko in uk(^#)y, in ge sah min sah, ah net
√ It is late to plant corn                 O sam ke cho we kah dominuk a we seh ek
√ Do the worms eat your corn               Mo sek, nah, o gesk kum a wan sebwa gos sin
√ They eat almost all mine                 Mo sek, ka go, chiek, nene, otum wa wan, o gesk kum wah wan
√ Is your corn up yet                      In' dominuk nah sauk wek
√ Yes it grows fast                        Ah chek ken buk wuk
√ Are there many weeds in your field       Mah nah tone, noh, mesh quen, tuk kah nuk
√ No it is dry and weeds cannot grow       Cho suk kah go, sam sah gos kow get, mesh quen, a we sok quek
√ Have you hoed them all                   Chiek nah kesk koh nah wan
√ Who helps you to work                    Wah neche, n(^2)ah sho ko ma ke ek, a^me^kit^che we ek
√ I have none to help me                   Cho so weah, nesho ko mok se nan
√ Do the women do all the work in the field     Quek, nah, me kit che weke che ek tuk kah nuk
√ The men ought to help them               nin wuk sin nah, o tah ne sho ko mo wah wan
√ It is hard to plant with the hoe         Chis nah get sah, a oo tuk ke kak
√ Are you able to plow                     Cho nah ke [[strikethrough]]tauk[[/strikethrough]] tak skit to see nah wak, mip poach gi ek 
√ And that would not be hard               Cho so quech, as nuk sa nin
√ (It is bad for people to drink when they should work)         Ke chim e^a net sah a me kit chah we ek em nuk queh ek
√ Did you plant any potatoes               Kesh soh wok nah pineack
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[[margin]] (8 + 8)  16, 17 [[/margin]]
√ (The Indians should plant more corn and more potatoes)       Nesh nau bek sin^ah im' jesh o tos sa wan in' daminuk epe otos sa wan pineak
√ Then they would not be so poor           Cho ke tak it o mak ses suk
√ Can you not quit drinking whiskey        Cho nah, ke tah bo neke sene a wan whiskey we bo im' nuk qui ek
√ You are foolish for drinking so much     Kit che wah we nat sim whiskey em nuk queh ek
√ (White people dont drink so much and they have plenty to eat)        Cho mo^ko manuk cho quech em nuk queh wat Chim ma n(^2)ah, nah, wah mech wat
√ Will you plow any more                   Me neh n(^2)ah, que muppo tos seme
√ I dont know, you are all the time drunk  Chouk a^kan^da seen, o sam, mo zuk, kech qui be em
√ You will not plant it               a/   Cho sih wene, kow tah ke kah seme
√ I will not plow it                       Cho sah wene, in' gup ma po to ko seme
√ (If you would work we would help you but we get discouraged in seeing you drunk)       Kesh pin me ka che we ek, kit tah, ne shoke a mone min now nah wene dah min, a we, ne shoke a mone gone, a wap a min gone, a ke wese qui be i gone
√ (If you dont work you cannot eat)        Cho sum mam dah, kah wese nah seme pwah me kit cheh we ek
√ (You must starve and none will pity you because you dont work)      Kup ke teh nah dim cho weah, kesh wine muk see, o sam cho ke me kit che we see
√ My field tomorrow I will work            I gita ca nuk, wa buk, na(^4)^we me kit che a we
√ When you, your field you work            Tah peche, kene kitaka nuk, keh me kit che weme
√ I do not know, nothing to plant          In guk ken don niche, cho suk ke go in duch keh seen
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Transcription Notes:
Looks good!