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some not I know whose they are [[strikethrough]]Many[[/strikethrough]] many 
(^4)a net, cho s(^4)a in' guk ken ma sike | teh pen ma chuk) chim

[[strikethrough]]days[[/strikethrough]] nu days since they are gone My cows I dont 
jesh it so gone eh ko | mach ee wat bish keme uk cho cha

hear of them since they are gone    Maybe
in' no | tah geh see eh ko mach ee wat kin a bich | s(^4)a

something happens to them long a go they
keh go ke sha wip se tah keh ne nuk | pin a we sah ah

would come they ast to | come      always have you
pe ek pah peeh pin | ee nuk s(^4)a nuk o pin nech, kit to bish

cows    maybe     your cows     they are
[[strikethrough]]Kiem[[/strikethrough]] Keme | n(^4)ah kene, kin a bich sah k(^4)a bish keme | in o pup pa

with them       if your cows they
wech e(^4)a w(^4)ah t(^4)ah ke ne nin | kesh pin k(^4)a bish keme in peh

are with      I will be glad      if
pah we | che wa quen in' dak ke chim na wine | dum, we

you tell me       Have you hogs     yes
teh mo we yin | ¶ Ket to ko koosh im n(^4)ah (koin uky

plenty       why     all In-
ke | chim m(^4)a nake s(^4)ah) tah shis shin n(^4)ah | chi ek nesh a-
[[long line break]] [[margin]] [20] [[/margin]]

dians      raise       hogs       more
naw bek, eh bwa kesh kin | ah wat koo koosh^#in no^i eh

easy for them    to have meat than
ah wen pin | din nah eh we we as mo wat, ota cheh | eh

to hunt        I     raise     hogs    but
ke oo^#seh wat nene sah wene in' gesh | kin ak koo koosh uk, nis^cheh

most   all gone       Maybe    Indians      killed
k(^4)ah g(^4)a | chi ek ke mach eet kinabich nish nau | bek okene s(^4)ah

them     white men     one month   seen
w(^4)a teh ke ne^nin cho mo | ko man uk in'gote kesis k(^4)ah ko

them   in the barrens     They are wild
wap (^4)a m(^4)a w(^4)at | en scho teh wak qua nuk ke ke cha yak

if I had them   to my    soon be tame
o|mek kesh pin gin nish et ti yan yow gw(^4) | pah buk an git

are they tame    your hogs
seek in'git seek in nah | ke tuk koo [[strikethrough]]kwash[[/strikethrough]] koosh muk. |

I ask you     why   do you    not answer   not I
[[stricken]]Ke[[/stricken]] ke tin nah tone taw che, eh bwa in' quet | twene (cho sah ke

hear you   speak plain        well I will speak
no tos snone skin n(^4)a min | nosh mone) oh! gim in osh im

plain  listen   to me then    tell me why
sah pesit wish | shin gin nah we ta mo shin t(^4)a chis shin

[[strikethrough]]do[[/strikethrough]] the Indians      white men    like [[stricken]] them
n(^4)a | nesh nan bek cho mo ko ma nin esh twa nit | eh bwa

don't do    that they may   be | rich   if now
shit wah wat ehwe kitche nodeh | oo ze wat kesh pin in' gome

they are filled    they don't care to starve tomorrow
dep sin ye wat | noch ee ma kup kit teh n(^4)ah tah moke w(^4)a |
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