Viewing page 125 of 156

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[[start page]]
[[preprinted]] 157 [[/preprinted]]
they say they are fools if they will work
buk eh kit wat wah we net seek kesh pin | we me kit^che we

like white men   always they would
wat kech wah cho mo ko | man uk penech (^4)ah min owese

eat well       white men    every day     they eat
sneek | cho mo ko man^#uk we ek^a mo w(^4)a bin | min owese
[[long line break]]
[[margin]] [21] [[/margin]]
well   and well dress    always the   Indians
skneke epe min o quen eek pinech | nesh a nau bek 

they are lazy to work         that the reason
yah be yet seek ewe me^#kit | che we^#wat eche me^chim

food        and why they dress bad
weh chib bwa | to w(^4)at epe weh cha, me yan ko neh

ah wat | [rest of page blank and verso also. This is the last leaf]

[[two long line breaks]]
[[underlined]] Matthew [[/underlined]]
Chap. 1.
[[circled]]1[[/circled]] [[circled]]*[[/circled]] [1.] Mis in r kin Hesas Knyst mis o ta nin| Tr^* pit o qis in
*alter from a to r [[circled]]*[[/circled]] R^pin^r^*am o qis in | o kr tr o mil oin sin o^tin os oin r. |
[[circled]]*[[/circled]] 2. R^pin^r^am o ke on tin an Ysak Ysak | o ke on tin an Hr^*kap
Hr^kap o ke on tin | an Ho^tas epe oe kan se oan |
3. Ho^tas epe Tamrn o ke on tin a oan Pa^nrs | epe Sara
Prnrs o ke on tin an Rs^nom | Rs^nom o ke on tin an R^nam |
4. R^nam o ke on tin an R^min r tap R^min | rtap o^ke on
tin an Na^son Na^son o^ke | on tin an San^mon
5. San^mon epe Nrhap o^ke on tin a oan | Pos Pos epe Not
o^ke on tin a oan Opit | Opit o^ke on tin an Hesr |
6. Hesr oke on tin an Trpit Okema. Trpit | epe Uryas
u pin o^e oin oke on tin a oan | Sa^no^min |
7. Sa^no^min o^ke on tin an No^po^am No^po^am | o^ke on tin
an Rpya Rpya o^ke on tin an Rsa |
[[end page]]

Transcription Notes:
The insertion "always" is a note that "every day" can be translated as "always"; it is not part of the next line of English. Seems to be lots of overlap between o's and a's in bottom half of page; may need review by an expert. They look more like o's than a's.