Viewing page 148 of 156

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[[start page]]
Table         Ah wah no bra        √
Tallow        Tah wa gra           √
Tell me       On wahn dah gah      √
Ten           Kra brah             √
Thigh         Ce zo                √
Thread        Hah wa sa sa         √
Three         Nar bne              √
Thunder       Groon hoo tah        √
Timber        Pah cha              √
Tobacco       Non e hu             √
Today                              √
Tomorrow morning   Kah sa ent che  √
Tongue        Da sa                √
Tortoise      Ka                   √
Tree          Chant                √
Turkey        Su kah               √
Two           Nomp pah             √


Vermillion   Wah su ja [[underlined]]or[[/underlined]] E gah mahn  √
Very fat     She wah gra            √
[[end page]]